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There are 20 ten-letter words containing D, 2I, N and X

DEINDEXINGdeindexing v. Present participle of deindex.
DEINDEX v. to unlink from an index.
DIGITOXINSdigitoxins n. Plural of digitoxin.
DIGITOXIN n. a poisonous glycoside that is the most active ingredient of digitalin.
DOMINATRIXdominatrix n. A dominating woman; a female dominator.
dominatrix n. A dominant female in sadomasochistic practices.
DOMINATRIX n. a prostitute catering for masochists.
ENDEIXISESENDEIXIS n. (Greek) in medicine, an indication.
EXPEDITINGexpediting v. Present participle of expedite.
EXPEDITE v. to speed up the progress of.
EXPEDITIONexpedition n. (Obsolete) The act of expediting something; prompt execution.
expedition n. A military journey; an enterprise against some enemy or into enemy territory.
expedition n. (Now rare) The quality of being expedite; speed, quickness.
EXSCINDINGexscinding v. Present participle of exscind.
EXSCIND v. to cut out.
INDEXATIONindexation n. The adjustment of an economic variable (such as a salary) according to an index (such as that of inflation).
INDEXATION n. a system by which wages, rates of interest etc. are directly linked to changes in the cost of living index.
INDEXICALSindexicals n. Plural of indexical.
INDEXICAL n. something with the form of an index.
INTERMIXEDintermixed v. Simple past tense and past participle of intermix.
intermixed adj. Mixed together.
INTERMIX v. to mix together.
MINOXIDILSMINOXIDIL n. a peripheral vasodilator used to treat hypertension.
MIXOLYDIANmixolydian adj. Alternative form of Mixolydian.
Mixolydian adj. (Music) Designating the Mixolydian mode, the highest of the ancient Greek modes, and now having final…
MIXOLYDIAN adj. denoting the seventh ecclesiastical mode, whose scale commences on G.
OXIDATIONSoxidations n. Plural of oxidation.
OXIDATION n. the act of oxidizing.
PEROXIDINGperoxiding v. Present participle of peroxide.
PEROXIDE v. to bleach with a bleaching agent.
PYRIDOXINEpyridoxine n. (Biochemistry) A derivative of pyridine, 4,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)-2-methylpyridin-3-ol, found in fish…
PYRIDOXINE n. a pyridine derivative, a member of the vitamin B complex, also PYRIDOXIN.
PYRIDOXINSpyridoxins n. Plural of pyridoxin.
PYRIDOXIN n. a pyridine derivative, a member of the vitamin B complex, also PYRIDOXINE.
REINDEXINGreindexing v. Present participle of reindex.
REINDEX v. to index again.
UNOXIDISEDunoxidised adj. Alternative spelling of unoxidized.
UNOXIDISED adj. not oxidised, also UNOXIDIZED.
UNOXIDIZEDunoxidized adj. Not oxidized.
UNOXIDIZED adj. not oxidized, also UNOXIDISED.
XYLOIDINESxyloidines n. Plural of xyloidine.
XYLOIDINE n. a substance resembling pyroxylin, obtained by the action of nitric acid on starch, also XYLOIDIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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