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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing D, F, I, T and Y

DEFINITELYdefinitely adv. Without question and beyond doubt.
definitely adv. In a definite manner; decisively.
DEFINITE adv. known for certain.
DESANCTIFYdesanctify v. To remove the sanctified status of.
DIFFICULTYdifficulty n. The state of being difficult, or hard to do.
difficulty n. An obstacle that hinders achievement of a goal.
difficulty n. (Sometimes in the plural) Physical danger from the environment, especially with risk of drowning.
DIFFORMITYdifformity n. (Obsolete) irregularity or diversity of form; lack of uniformity.
DIFFORMITY n. irregularity of form.
DISSATISFYdissatisfy v. To fail to satisfy; to displease.
DISSATISFY v. to fail to satisfy.
DRIFTINGLYdriftingly adv. In a way that drifts.
FALDISTORYfaldistory n. (Obsolete) The throne or seat of a bishop within the chancel.
FALDISTORY n. (obsolete) the throne or seat of a bishop within the chancel.
FLACCIDITYflaccidity n. The condition of being flaccid.
FLACCIDITY n. the state of being flaccid.
INFIDELITYinfidelity n. Unfaithfulness in a marriage or an intimate relationship: practice or instance of having a sexual or…
infidelity n. Unfaithfulness in some other moral obligation.
infidelity n. Lack of religious belief.
INFLATEDLYinflatedly adv. In an inflated manner.
INFLATED adv. INFLATE, to expand with air or gas.
MULTIFIDLYmultifidly adv. In a multifid manner.
MULTIFID adv. having many divisions, also MULTIFIDOUS.
NINETYFOLDninetyfold adj. By a factor of ninety.
ninetyfold adv. By a factor of ninety.
POSTMODIFYpostmodify v. (Grammar) To modify or qualify the previous word or phrase.
POSTMODIFY v. to modify the sense of (a word or phrase) by being placed after it.
PROFUNDITYprofundity n. The state of being profound or abstruse.
profundity n. A great depth.
profundity n. Deep intellect or insight.
REIDENTIFYreidentify v. To identify again (as something one previously identified as, or as something else).
reidentify v. To make identifiable again; to re-discern the identity of; for example, to undo deidentification of.
REIDENTIFY v. to identify again.
THIRTYFOLDthirtyfold adj. Thirty times as great, or as many.
thirtyfold adv. By a factor of thirty.
THIRTYFOLD adv. multiplied by thirty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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