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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing D, E, 2R and X

BORDEREAUXbordereaux n. Plural of bordereau.
BORDEREAU n. (French) a detailed bill or invoice.
DEXTROGYREdextrogyre adj. (Chemistry) Dextrorotatory.
DEXTROGYRE adj. causing to turn to the right hand, also DEXTROGYRATE.
DEXTRORSALdextrorsal adj. Synonym of dextrorse.
DEXTRORSAL adj. rising spirally and turning to the left, also DEXTRORSE.
EXTRADURALextradural adj. (Anatomy) Outside of the dura mater.
extradural n. Such an injection.
EXTRADURAL n. the epidural injection of an anaesthetic esp. in childbirth.
FERREDOXINferredoxin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a class of iron and sulfur-containing proteins, found in green plants, that function…
FERREDOXIN n. an iron-containing plant protein.
MODERATRIXmoderatrix n. A female moderator.
MODERATRIX n. (obsolete) a female moderator.
PARADOXERSparadoxers n. Plural of paradoxer.
PARADOXER n. one who engages in paradox.
PARADOXUREparadoxure n. Any member of the species of genus Paradoxurus, Asiatic viverrine mammals allied to the civet.
PARADOXURE n. a civetlike animal of South Asia.
REEXPLOREDreexplored v. Simple past tense and past participle of reexplore.
REEXPLORE v. to explore again.
REEXPORTEDreexported v. Simple past tense and past participle of reexport.
re-exported v. Simple past tense and past participle of re-export.
REEXPORT v. to export again.
RETEXTUREDretextured v. Simple past tense and past participle of retexture.
RETEXTURE v. to treat (material, a garment, etc.) so as to restore firmness to its texture.
XERODERMAEXERODERMA n. morbid dryness of skin, ichthyosis, also XERODERMIA.
XERODERMASxerodermas n. Plural of xeroderma.
XERODERMA n. morbid dryness of skin, ichthyosis, also XERODERMIA.
XERODERMIAxerodermia n. (Medicine, dated) xeroderma.
XERODERMIA n. morbid dryness of skin, ichthyosis, also XERODERMA.
XERODERMICxerodermic adj. Relating to or exhibiting xeroderma.
XERODERMIC adj. dry-skinned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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