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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2D, H, L and U

ADULTHOODSadulthoods n. Plural of adulthood.
ADULTHOOD n. the state of being an adult.
BLOODHOUNDbloodhound n. A large scenthound famed for its ability to follow a scent many days old, over vast distances. This…
bloodhound n. (Figurative) A detective or other person skilled at finding people or clues.
bloodhound n. (Archaic) A bloodthirsty person.
BULKHEADEDbulkheaded adj. Furnished with a bulkhead or bulkheads.
BULKHEADED adj. fitted with a bulkhead.
BULLHEADEDbullheaded adj. Unreasonably stubborn.
bull-headed adj. Alternative form of bullheaded.
bull␣headed adj. Alternative form of bullheaded.
DECLUTCHEDdeclutched v. Simple past tense and past participle of declutch.
DECLUTCH v. to release the clutch.
DIDELPHOUSdidelphous adj. Synonym of didelphic.
DIDELPHOUS adj. of or relating to the marsupial family Didelphia, opossums, also DIDELPHIAN, DIDELPHINE.
DISULPHIDEdisulphide n. Alternative spelling of disulfide.
DISULPHIDE n. a sulphide containing two atoms of sulphur to the molecule, also DISULFID, DISULFIDE, DISULPHURET.
DUMMELHEADDUMMELHEAD n. (dialect) a stupid person.
FUNDHOLDERfundholder n. (Britain) A general practitioner who manages his or her own budget, purchasing healthcare from one or…
fundholder n. One who has money in the public funds.
FUNDHOLDER n. a person who has money in public funds.
LUNKHEADEDlunkheaded adj. Obtuse; foolish; idiotic.
LUNKHEADED adj. stupid, like a lunkhead.
MUDDLEHEADmuddlehead n. (Colloquial) A stupid person.
MUDDLEHEAD n. a muddled, confused, or foolish person.
OUTHANDLEDouthandled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outhandle.
OUTHANDLE v. to handle better than.
SHELDDUCKSsheldducks n. Plural of sheldduck.
SHELDDUCK n. a large duck of genus Tadorna, also SHELDUCK, SHELLDUCK.
SHOULDEREDshouldered v. Simple past tense and past participle of shoulder.
shouldered adj. (In combination) Having or pertaining to (a specific kind of) shoulders.
SHOULDER v. to assume the burden of, also SHOUTHER.
THUDDINGLYthuddingly adv. In a thudding way; making a thudding sound.
thuddingly adv. (Figuratively) In a dull, predictable manner.
UNHEEDEDLYunheededly adv. Without being heeded.
UNHEEDED adv. not heeded.
UNHERALDEDunheralded adj. Without prior warning; unexpected or unannounced.
unheralded adj. Not greeted with excitement or acclaim.
UNHERALDED adj. not heralded.
UNSHIELDEDunshielded adj. Not shielded.
unshielded v. Simple past tense and past participle of unshield.
UNSHIELDED adj. not shielded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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