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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing D, H, I and X

ASPHYXIEDasphyxied v. Simple past tense and past participle of asphyxy.
ASPHYXY v. to suffer defective aeration of the blood caused by failure of the oxygen supply, also ASPHYXIA.
CHILLAXEDchillaxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of chillax.
CHILLAX v. to relax completely.
ETHOXIDESethoxides n. Plural of ethoxide.
ETHOXIDE n. a type of saltlike compound with metal and organic components, also ETHYLATE.
EXHIBITEDexhibited v. Simple past tense and past participle of exhibit.
EXHIBIT v. to display publicly.
HEXAPLOIDhexaploid adj. Having six complete sets of chromosomes in a single cell.
hexaploid n. A cell or organism that has six complete sets of chromosomes.
HEXAPLOID n. a cell having six times the ordinary number of chromosomes.
HEXAPODICHEXAPODIC adj. of a line or verse, having six feet.
HUMIDEXEShumidexes n. Plural of humidex.
HUMIDEX n. (Canadian) a system of measuring discomfort showing the combined effects of humidity and temperature.
HYDROXIDEhydroxide n. (Chemistry) An univalent anion (OH-) based on the hydroxyl functional group.
hydroxide n. Any substance containing such an anion.
HYDROXIDE n. any compound containing an -OH group.
HYDROXIUMHYDROXIUM n. a positive ion, H3O+, formed by the attachment of a proton to a water molecule.
METHOXIDEmethoxide n. (Chemistry) The anion CH3O- derived from methanol by the loss of a proton.
methoxide n. (Chemistry) Any salt of this anion.
METHOXIDE n. a saltlike compound of methanol.
PHENOXIDEphenoxide n. (Chemistry) any metallic salt of a phenol.
PHENOXIDE n. a salt of a phenol, esp. in its capacity as a weak acid.
XIPHOIDALxiphoidal adj. Xiphoid; sword-shaped.
XIPHOIDAL adj. swordlike, also XIPHOID.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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