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There are 19 eight-letter words containing D, N, O and X

COEXTENDcoextend v. (Transitive, intransitive) To extend along with another.
COEXTEND v. to extend equally in space or time.
CONFIXEDconfixed v. Simple past tense and past participle of confix.
CONFIX v. (Shakespeare) to fix firmly.
CONVEXEDconvexed adj. Made convex; protuberant in a spherical form.
CONVEX v. to make convex.
DETOXINGdetoxing v. Present participle of detox.
detoxing n. Synonym of detox (“detoxification, especially of the body from drugs”).
DETOX v. to remove a toxin from, also DETOXIFY.
DIGOXINSdigoxins n. Plural of digoxin.
DIGOXIN n. a drug to improve heart function.
DIOXANESdioxanes n. Plural of dioxane.
DIOXANE n. a toxic flammable solvent, also DIOXAN.
EXPANDORexpandor n. Dated form of expander.
EXPANDOR n. a type of transducer, an electronic device transmitting received energy in a different form, also EXPANDER.
EXPOUNDSexpounds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of expound.
EXPOUND v. to explain in detail.
FOXHOUNDfoxhound n. A dog of a medium-sized breed developed for hunting.
Foxhound n. (NATO reporting name) The Soviet MiG 31 aircraft.
FOXHOUND n. a hunting dog.
INDOXYLSindoxyls n. Plural of indoxyl.
INDOXYL n. a nitrogenous substance obtained as an oily liquid.
KLAXONEDklaxoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of klaxon.
KLAXON v. to sound a klaxon.
MIXDOWNSmixdowns n. Plural of mixdown.
MIXDOWN n. mixing a multitrack recording down to just stereo.
MONOXIDEmonoxide n. (Chemistry) any oxide containing a single oxygen atom in each molecule or formula unit.
MONOXIDE n. an oxide containing one atom of oxygen in the molecule or empirical formula.
NEXTDOORnextdoor adj. (Nonstandard) Alternative spelling of next-door.
nextdoor adv. (Nonstandard) Alternative spelling of next-door.
next-door adj. That occupies an adjacent place, especially the building immediately to the left or right.
OXIDANTSoxidants n. Plural of oxidant.
OXIDANT n. an oxidizing agent.
RONDEAUXrondeaux n. Plural of rondeau.
Rondeaux prop.n. A surname.
RONDEAU n. (French) a poem of 13 lines with two rhymes and the opening words used as a refrain in two places.
SARDONYXsardonyx n. A gemstone having bands of red sard; a variety of onyx or chalcedony.
sardonyx n. (Heraldry) A tincture of sanguine colour when the blazoning is done by precious stones.
SARDONYX n. (Greek) an onyx with alternate layers of sard and other mineral.
SOUNDBOXsoundbox n. Alternative form of sound box.
sound␣box n. (Music) The open chamber (resonator) of a stringed musical instrument, which intensifies its tone.
SOUNDBOX n. a resonant cavity in a musical instrument.
XYLOIDINxyloidin n. (Organic chemistry, dated) An explosive compound resembling pyroxylin, obtained by the action of nitric…
XYLOIDIN n. a substance resembling pyroxylin, obtained by the action of nitric acid on starch, also XYLOIDINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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