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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2D, U and Y

BUDDYINGbuddying v. Present participle of buddy.
BUDDY v. to become close friends.
BULWADDYBULWADDY n. (Native Australian) a North Australian tree, also BULLWADDIE, BULLWADDY, BULWADDEE.
DEUCEDLYdeucedly adv. (Degree, informal) Quite; extremely; utterly.
DEUCEDLY adv. extremely.
DIDYMIUMdidymium n. A mixture of praseodymium and neodymium once thought to be an element (symbol Di).
Didymium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Didymiaceae – certain slime molds.
DIDYMIUM n. a mixture of rare earth elements.
DIDYMOUSdidymous adj. (Botany, zoology) Twin, twinned; growing or occurring in pairs.
DIDYMOUS adj. occurring in pairs.
DRUDGERYdrudgery n. Exhausting, menial, and tedious work.
DRUDGERY n. hard, tedious work.
DUDISHLYdudishly adv. In a dudish manner.
DUDISH adv. like, or characteristic of, a dude.
MUDDYINGmuddying v. Present participle of muddy.
muddying n. The process of making something muddy or obscure.
MUDDY v. to cover with mud.
PUDDINGYpuddingy adj. Like pudding; having a heavy, stodgy texture.
PUDDINGY adj. like a pudding, soft and stodgy.
QUIDDANYquiddany n. (Archaic) A confection of quinces, in consistency between a syrup and marmalade.
QUIDDANY n. a jelly or thick syrup made from sweetened quince juice.
QUIDDANY v. to make into quince jelly.
QUIDDITYquiddity n. (Philosophy) The essence or inherent nature of a person or thing.
quiddity n. (Law) A trifle; a nicety or quibble.
quiddity n. An eccentricity; an odd feature.
RUDDYINGruddying v. Present participle of ruddy.
RUDDY v. to redden.
SHUDDERYshuddery adj. Characterized by shuddering motions.
SHUDDERY adj. shuddering.
SUDDENLYsuddenly adv. Happening quickly and with little or no warning; in a sudden manner.
SUDDEN adv. without warning, also SODAIN, SODAINE.
SUDDENTYsuddenty n. (Scotland) suddenness; a sudden.
SUDDENTY n. (Scots) suddenness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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