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There are 17 seven-letter words containing D and 3S

DASSIESdassies n. Plural of dassie.
DASSIE n. (South African) the hyrax.
DESISTSdesists v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of desist.
DESIST v. to cease doing something.
DISCUSSdiscuss v. (Transitive) To converse or debate concerning a particular topic.
discuss v. (Transitive, obsolete) To communicate, tell, or disclose (Information, a message, etc.).
discuss v. (Obsolete, transitive) To break to pieces; to shatter.
DISMISSdismiss v. (Transitive) To discharge; to end the employment or service of.
dismiss v. (Transitive) To order to leave.
dismiss v. (Transitive) To dispel; to rid one’s mind of.
DISUSESdisuses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disuse.
DISUSE v. to stop using.
DOSSALSdossals n. Plural of dossal.
DOSSAL n. an ornamental cloth hung behind an altar, also DORSEL, DOSSEL.
DOSSELSdossels n. Plural of dossel.
DOSSEL n. an ornamental cloth hung behind an altar, also DORSEL, DORSER, DOSSAL.
DOSSERSdossers n. Plural of dosser.
DOSSER n. a covering for the back of a throne, also DORSER, DOSSAL, DOSSEL.
DOSSILSdossils n. Plural of dossil.
DOSSIL n. a wad of lint for wiping a wound.
DRESSESdresses n. Plural of dress.
dresses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dress.
DRESS v. to put clothes on.
DROSSESdrosses n. Plural of dross.
DROSS n. waste matter.
JASSIDSjassids n. Plural of jassid.
JASSID n. an insect of the leafhopper family.
SADISMSsadisms n. Plural of sadism.
SADISM n. pleasure gained from inflicting pain on another.
SADISTSsadists n. Plural of sadist.
SADIST n. one who inflicts pain for pleasure.
SADNESSsadness n. (Uncountable) The state or emotion of being sad.
sadness n. (Countable) An event in one’s life that causes sadness.
SADNESS n. the state of being sad.
SOWSSEDsowssed v. Simple past tense and past participle of sowsse.
SOWSSE v. (Spenser) to souse, also SOUCE, SOWCE, SOWSE.
SUDSERSsudsers n. Plural of sudser.
SUDSER n. (slang) a soap opera.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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