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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing D, O and 2W

BOWWOODBOWWOOD n. a deciduous tree of America.
DOWNBOWdownbow n. (Music) A note performed on a string instrument by drawing the bow downward or to the right across the…
downbow v. (Geology) To curve or arc downwards.
down␣bow n. (Music) movement from the frog to the tip on the bow of a stringed instrument.
DOWNLOWdownlow adj. Alternative spelling of down low.
down-low n. Alternative spelling of down low.
down␣low n. A state of secrecy.
LOWDOWNlowdown n. Inside information, the story or truth.
lowdown n. A lowlife, a despicable person.
lowdown adj. Unfair; shameful.
SWOWNDSSWOWND n. (Spenser) a fainting fit, also SWOUNE, SWOWNE.
WAIWODEwaiwode n. Alternative form of voivode.
WAIWODE n. (Russian) originally the title of a military commander in various Slavonic countries; afterwards applied to governors of towns or provinces, also VAIVODE, VOIVODE, WAIVODE, WAYWODE, WOIWODE.
WAYWODEwaywode n. Alternative form of voivode.
WAYWODE n. (Russian) originally the title of a military commander in various Slavonic countries; afterwards applied to governors of towns or provinces, also VAIVODE, VOIVODE, WAIVODE, WAIWODE, WOIWODE.
WIDOWEDwidowed adj. (Of a previously married person) Whose spouse has died or is gone missing; who has become a widow or widower.
widowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of widow.
WIDOW v. to deprive of a husband.
WIDOWERwidower n. A man whose spouse has died (and who has not remarried); masculine of widow.
WIDOWER n. a man whose wife is dead and has not remarried, also WIDOWMAN.
WINDOWSwindows n. Plural of window.
windows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of window.
Windows prop.n. (Operating systems, trademark) Microsoft Windows, an operating system with a WIMP graphical user interface…
WINDOWYwindowy adj. (Rare, obsolete) Having little crossings or openings like the sashes of a window.
windowy adj. Having many windows.
WINDOWY adj. like a window.
WINDROWwindrow n. A row of cut grain or hay allowed to dry in a field.
windrow n. A line of leaves etc heaped up by the wind.
windrow n. A similar streak of seaweed etc on the surface of the sea formed by Langmuir circulation.
WOADWAXwoadwax n. Alternative form of woad-waxen.
WOADWAX n. dyer's greenweed, also WOADWAXEN, WOODWAX, WOODWAXEN.
WOIWODEwoiwode n. Alternative form of voivode.
WOIWODE n. (Russian) originally the title of a military commander in various Slavonic countries; afterwards applied to governors of towns or provinces, also VAIVODE, VOIVODE, WAIVODE, WAIWODE, WAYWODE.
WOODWAXwoodwax n. Alternative form of woad-waxen.
WOODWAX n. dyer's greenweed, also WOADWAX, WOADWAXEN, WOODWAXEN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 51 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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