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There are 14 seven-letter words containing D, N, S and Z

DEZINCSdezincs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dezinc.
DEZINC v. to remove zinc from.
DIAZINSdiazins n. Plural of diazin.
DIAZIN n. any organic compound whose molecules contain a hexagonal ring of four carbon atoms and two nitrogen atoms, also DIAZINE.
DIZAINSdizains n. Plural of dizain.
DIZAIN n. (French) a ten-line stanza or poem.
DONZELSdonzels n. Plural of donzel.
DONZEL n. (obsolete) a squire, aspirant to knighthood.
DOZINGSdozings n. Plural of dozing.
DOZING n. the act of taking a short sleep.
DZERENSdzerens n. Plural of dzeren.
DZEREN n. (Mongolian) a kind of Asian antelope.
NUDZHESnudzhes n. Plural of nudzh.
nudzhes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of nudzh.
NUDZH v. (Yiddish) to nag, also NOODGE.
SNEEZEDsneezed v. Simple past tense and past participle of sneeze.
SNEEZE v. to make a sudden expiration through nose and mouth.
SNOOZEDsnoozed v. Simple past tense and past participle of snooze.
SNOOZE v. to sleep lightly.
UNSIZEDunsized adj. Not sized.
UNSIZED adj. not sized.
WEZANDSwezands n. Plural of wezand.
WEZAND n. (obsolete) the windpipe, also WEASAND, WEASON, WEAZAND, WESAND, WESSAND, WIZZEN.
ZANDERSzanders n. Plural of zander.
ZANDER n. (German) a European pike perch allied to the walleye.
ZENDIKSzendiks n. Plural of zendik.
ZENDIK n. (Arabic) in the east, one who abstains from magic or practises religion.
ZONOIDSzonoids n. Plural of zonoid.
ZONOID n. a finite vector sum of line segments.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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