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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing D, 2M and O

COMMANDcommand n. An order to do something.
command n. The right or authority to order, control or dispose of; the right to be obeyed or to compel obedience.
command n. Power of control, direction or disposal; mastery.
COMMENDcommend v. (Transitive) To congratulate or reward.
commend v. (Transitive) To praise or acclaim.
commend v. (Transitive) To entrust or commit to the care of someone else.
COMMODEcommode n. A low chest of drawers on short legs.
commode n. A stand for a washbowl and jug.
commode n. (Euphemistic) A chair containing a chamber pot.
COMMODOCOMMODO adj. (Italian) of music, to be played in a relaxed style, also COMODO.
DEMONYMdemonym n. A name for an inhabitant or native of a specific place, usually derived from the name of the place.
demonym n. (Obsolete) A pseudonym formed of an adjective.
DEMONYM n. a name used to denote the inhabitants of a place.
EMMOVEDemmoved v. Simple past tense and past participle of emmove.
EMMOVE v. (Spenser) to affect emotionally, also EMOVE, ENMOVE.
FILMDOMfilmdom n. The film (movie) industry; the people who work in that industry.
FILMDOM n. the motion-picture industry, also FILMLAND.
GLOMMEDglommed v. Simple past tense and past participle of glom.
GLOM v. to steal, take a look, also GLAUM.
MADTOMSmadtoms n. Plural of madtom.
MADTOM n. a North American catfish.
MAMBOEDmamboed v. Simple past tense and past participle of mambo.
MAMBO v. to dance the mambo.
MANDOMSMANDOM n. man collectively.
MIDMOSTmidmost adj. In the exact middle, or nearest to the exact middle; middlemost.
MIDMOST n. a part exactly in the middle, also MIDDLEMOST.
MIMEOEDmimeoed v. Simple past tense and past participle of mimeo.
MIMEO v. to copy by mimeograph.
MODEMEDmodemed v. Simple past tense and past participle of modem.
modemed adj. Equipped with a modem.
MODEM v. to transmit by electronic device.
MODICUMmodicum n. A modest, small, or trifling amount.
MODICUM n. (Latin) a small amount.
MUDROOMmudroom n. (North America) A room used as a barrier between outdoors and indoors.
mud␣room n. Alternative spelling of mudroom.
MUDROOM n. a room for shedding muddy clothing.
TOMMIEDtommied v. Simple past tense and past participle of tommy.
TOMMY v. to oppress by the truck system.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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