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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 16 seven-letter words containing D, F, M and U

BIFIDUMBIFIDUM n. a bacterium present in the human digestive system, often added to yogurt, also BIFIDUS.
DOOMFULdoomful adj. Full of condemnation or destructive power.
DOOMFUL adj. (Spenser) dispensing judgment.
FLUMPEDflumped v. Simple past tense and past participle of flump.
FLUMP v. to fall or move heavily.
FRUMPEDfrumped v. Simple past tense and past participle of frump.
FRUMP v. (obsolete) to snub.
FUMADOSfumados n. Plural of fumado.
FUMADO n. (Spanish) a salted and smoked fish, as the pilchard.
FUMBLEDfumbled v. Simple past tense and past participle of fumble.
FUMBLE v. to handle clumsily.
MADAFUSMADAFU n. (Swahili) coconut milk.
MINDFULmindful adj. Being aware (of something); attentive, heedful.
mindful adj. (Obsolete) Inclined (to do something).
mindful n. As much as can be held in one’s mind at a time.
MUDFISHmudfish n. Any of many fish that frequent muddy water or burrow in mud, including…
MUDFISH n. a fish that burrows in mud, esp. a lungfish.
MUDFLAPmudflap n. A rectangular flap mounted near the wheel of a truck to prevent mud from being thrown up onto the vehicle.
mud␣flap n. A flap that hangs down behind a vehicle’s wheel so that mud and other things kicked up by the wheel…
MUDFLAP n. a flap fixed behind the wheels of a vehicle.
MUDFLATmudflat n. A muddy expanse of flat land, especially such land as a river bed exposed at low tide.
mud␣flat n. Alternative spelling of mudflat.
MUDFLAT n. a level tract alternately covered and left bare by the tide.
MUDFLOWmudflow n. A type of landslide characterized by large flows of mud and water.
mudflow n. The dried-out product of such a flow.
MUDFLOW n. a moving mass of mud.
MUFFLEDmuffled v. Simple past tense and past participle of muffle.
muffled adj. (Of a sound) Stifled or covered up; diminished by interference.
MUFFLE v. to dull the sound of.
MUNDIFYmundify v. (Obsolete) To cleanse.
MUNDIFY v. to cleanse, purify.
UNFAMEDunfamed adj. Not famed.
UNFAMED adj. not famed.
UNFUMEDunfumed adj. Not exposed to fumes; not fumigated.
unfumed adj. (Obsolete) Undistilled.
UNFUMED adj. not fumigated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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