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There are 17 seven-letter words containing D, F, G and O

DOFFINGdoffing v. Present participle of doff.
doffing n. The act by which an item of clothing is doffed.
DOFF v. to take off.
DOGFACEdogface n. (US military, slang) A foot soldier, especially during World War II.
dogface n. (Slang, derogatory) An ugly person.
dogface n. Either of two pierid butterflies of the New World genus Zerene.
DOGFISHdogfish n. Any of various small sharks.
dogfish n. (US) The bowfin, Amia calva.
dog-fish n. Alternative spelling of dogfish.
DOGFOODdogfood v. (Transitive, computing, slang) To eat one’s own dog food, to use products developed by oneself or by…
dogfood n. (US) Alternative spelling of dog food.
dog-food n. Alternative form of dog food.
FAGOTEDfagoted v. Simple past tense and past participle of fagot.
FAGOT v. to bind together in a bundle, also FAGGOT.
FIREDOGfiredog n. Alternative form of fire dog.
fire␣dog n. (Archaeology) Bronze Age artifact used in worshipping either bulls or the moon, or as a holder for wooden…
fire␣dog n. (Chiefly US) Either of a pair of horizontal metal supports for holding logs in a fireplace.
FLOGGEDflogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of flog.
FLOG v. to beat with a whip.
FOGDOGSfogdogs n. Plural of fogdog.
FOGDOG n. a nebulous arc of light sometimes seen in fog, also FOGBOW.
FOGYDOMfogydom n. Alternative form of fogeydom.
FOGYDOM n. the world of fogies, also FOGEYDOM.
FOLDINGfolding adj. Designed to fold; as a folding bed, a folding bicycle, a folding chair, etc.
folding n. The action of folding; a fold.
folding n. The keeping of sheep in enclosures on arable land, etc.
FONDINGfonding v. Present participle of fond.
FOND v. to display affection.
FORAGEDforaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of forage.
FORAGE v. to search about.
FORDINGfording v. Present participle of ford.
fording n. The act by which something is forded.
fording n. Fording place.
FOUGADEfougade n. (Military, historical) A kind of land mine; a fougasse.
FOUGADE n. (French) a small mine, in the form of a well sunk from the surface of the ground, charged with explosive and projectiles, also FOUGASSE.
FROGGEDfrogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of frog.
frogged adj. Having ornamental stripes or workings of braid or lace, usually on the breast of a uniform coat.
FROG v. to hunt for frogs, webfooted, tailless amphibians.
FUNGOEDFUNGO v. to toss (a ball) upwards and hit it as it descends.
FUNGOIDfungoid adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling a fungus.
fungoid n. A fungus, or some other organism closely resembling a fungus.
FUNGOID adj. of or like fungus, also FUNGOIDAL, FUNGOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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