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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing D, M, T and U

ADYTUMadytum n. (Ancient Greece, religion) The innermost sanctuary or shrine in a temple, from where oracles were given.
adytum n. (By extension) A private chamber; a sanctum.
ADYTUM n. (Latin) the inner sanctuary of a temple.
DATUMSdatums v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of datum.
datums n. Plural of datum.
DATUM n. (Latin) something used as a basis for calculating.
DICTUMdictum n. An authoritative statement; a dogmatic saying; a maxim, an apothegm.
dictum n. A judicial opinion expressed by judges on points that do not necessarily arise in the case, and are…
dictum n. The report of a judgment made by one of the judges who has given it.
DIMOUTdimout n. A (scheduled or accidental) general reduction in electrical power, like a blackout but less severe.
DIMOUT n. a condition of partial darkness.
MIDGUTmidgut n. (Biology, anatomy, embryology) The central loop of the alimentary canal of an embryo between the foregut…
midgut n. (Biology, anatomy, medicine) The developed counterpart in the adult: the intermediate part of the alimentary…
MIDGUT n. the middle part of the embryonic digestive tract.
MUDCATmudcat n. A catfish, Ameiurus natalis (yellow bullhead), native to the Mississippi Delta.
mudcat n. A flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris, syns. Silurus olivaris, Leptops olivaris), flatty or shovelhead…
MUDCAT n. (US) a name given to several species of catfish.
MUNTEDmunted adj. (Britain, slang) Drunk.
munted adj. (Australia, New Zealand, slang) Intoxicated (by drugs or alcohol).
munted adj. (Australia, New Zealand, slang, by extension) Disgusting.
MUSTEDmusted v. Simple past tense and past participle of must (only in the sense of "become/make musty").
MUST v. to powder, also MOUST, MUIST.
TALMUDTalmud prop.n. A collection of Jewish writings related to the practical application of Judaic law and tradition (may…
TALMUD n. (Hebrew) the body of the Jewish civil and canonical law not comprised in the Pentateuch.
TEDIUMtedium n. Boredom or tediousness; ennui.
TEDIUM n. (Latin) the state of being tedious, also TAEDIUM.
TUMPEDtumped v. Simple past tense and past participle of tump.
TUMP v. to drag.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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