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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 20 six-letter words containing D, L, U and Y

BLUIDYbluidy adj. (Obsolete, Britain) bloody.
BLUIDY adj. (Scots) stained with blood, also BLOODY, BLUDIE, BLUDY.
CLOUDYcloudy adj. Covered with or characterised by clouds; overcast.
cloudy adj. Not transparent or clear.
cloudy adj. Uncertain; unclear.
CUDDLYcuddly adj. Suitable for cuddling; designed to be cuddled.
cuddly adj. Fond of, or prone to cuddling.
CUDDLY adj. pleasant to cuddle.
DOUBLYdoubly adv. (Usually of relative importance, of degree, quantity or measure) In a double manner; with twice the…
doubly adv. In two ways.
doubly adv. (Obsolete) with duplicity.
DOURLYdourly adv. In a dour manner.
DOUR adv. determined, sullen.
DRUMLYdrumly adj. (Obsolete, dialect, UK, Scotland) turbid; muddy.
DRUMLY adj. (Scots) turbid, muddy, gloomy.
DUALLYdually adv. In a dual manner; doubly.
dually n. (Automotive) A pickup truck with four wheels on the rear axle.
DUAL adv. twofold.
DUMBLYdumbly adv. Mutely; silently.
DUMB adv. incapable of speech.
DUSKLYduskly adv. In a dark or dusky manner.
DUSK adv. dim, darkening.
GUYLEDGUYLE v. (Spenser) to beguile.
KLUDGYkludgy adj. (Colloquial) Sloppy, hasty, shoddy, or inelegant.
KLUDGY adj. involving or put together with ill-fitting components, also KLUDGEY.
LOUDLYloudly adv. In a loud manner; at a high volume.
LOUDLY adv. in a loud fashion.
MOULDYmouldy adj. Covered with mould.
mouldy adj. Showing signs of neglect; disused.
mouldy adj. (UK, colloquial) Worthless; lousy; rotten.
MUDDLYmuddly adj. Muddled; confused; unclear.
MUDDLY adj. disordered.
NUDELYnudely adv. In a nude manner.
NUDE adv. without clothes.
PUDDLYpuddly adj. Consisting of, or resembling, puddles; muddy; foul.
PUDDLY adj. full of puddles.
RUDELYrudely adv. In a rude manner.
RUDE adv. boorish.
SLUDGYsludgy adj. Characteristic of sludge; slimy or mucky.
SLUDGY adj. covered with sludge.
STUDLYstudly adj. (Informal) Like a stud; being or relating to a sexually attractive male.
STUDLY adj. (slang) hunky, muscular and attractive.
UNDULYunduly adv. Undeservedly; in a way that is not warranted.
UNDUE adv. exceeding what is appropriate or normal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 37 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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