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There are 19 six-letter words containing D, L and 2S

DOSSALdossal n. Alternative form of dorsal (“a hanging or canopy”).
DOSSAL n. an ornamental cloth hung behind an altar, also DORSEL, DOSSEL.
DOSSELdossel n. Alternative form of dorsal (“a hanging or canopy”).
DOSSEL n. an ornamental cloth hung behind an altar, also DORSEL, DORSER, DOSSAL.
DOSSILdossil n. (Surgery) A small roll or plug used to stop a sore, wound, etc.; a pledget.
dossil n. (Printing) A roll of cloth for wiping off the face of a copperplate, leaving the ink in the engraved lines.
DOSSIL n. a wad of lint for wiping a wound.
DULSESdulses n. Plural of dulse.
DULSE n. (Gaelic) an edible red seaweed.
SALADSsalads n. Plural of salad.
SALAD n. a dish of green raw vegetables, also SALLAD.
SCALDSscalds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of scald.
SCALD v. to burn with hot liquid or steam, also SCAUD.
SCOLDSscolds n. Plural of scold.
SCOLD v. to rebuke harshly.
SIDLESsidles n. Plural of sidle.
sidles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sidle.
Sidles prop.n. Plural of Sidle.
SKALDSskalds n. Plural of skald.
SKALD n. (Old Norse) an ancient Scandinavian poet.
SLADESslades n. Plural of slade.
SLADE n. a little valley or dell.
SLAIDSSLAID n. a sledge.
SLIDESslides v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of slide.
slides n. Plural of slide.
SLIDE v. to move smoothly along a surface.
SLOIDSSLOID n. (Swedish) a Swedish system of manual training by woodwork, also SLOJD, SLOYD.
SLOJDSSLOJD n. (Swedish) a Swedish system of manual training by woodwork, also SLOID, SLOYD.
SLOYDSsloyds n. Plural of sloyd.
SLOYD n. (Swedish) a Swedish system of manual training by woodwork, also SLOID, SLOJD.
SOLDESSOLDE n. (Spenser) pay, remuneration, also SOLD.
SOLIDSsolids n. Plural of solid.
SOLID n. a solid substance.
SPALDSspalds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spald.
SPALD n. (Scots) the shoulder, esp. of an animal used as food, also SPALLE, SPAUL, SPAULD, SPEAL, SPULE.
SPELDSspelds n. Plural of speld.
spelds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of speld.
SPELD v. (Scots) to spread open, sprawl, also SPELDER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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