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There are 20 six-letter words containing D, 2I and L

DILLISdillis n. Plural of dilli.
DILLI n. (Native Australian) a dilly-bag, an Australian aboriginal bag made of woven grass or fibre.
DISTILdistil v. (Transitive).
distil v. (Intransitive).
DISTIL v. to extract by vaporization and condensation, also DISTILL.
IDLINGidling v. Present participle of idle.
idling n. An idle period; something done idly.
IDLE v. to be unoccupied.
ILIADSIliads n. Plural of Iliad.
ILIAD n. a long poem.
ILLIADILLIAD n. (Shakespeare) an amorous glance, also OEILLADE, ELIAD, EYELIAD, EYLIAD.
INLAIDinlaid v. Simple past tense and past participle of inlay.
inlaid adj. (Of a design) Set into a surface in a decorative pattern.
inlaid adj. (Of the surface of an item) Having an inset decorative pattern.
IRIDALiridal adj. (Rare) Pertaining to a rainbow.
iridal adj. (Chiefly medicine) Pertaining to the iris of the eye.
IRIDAL adj. pertaining to the iris of the eye, also IRIDIAL, IRIDIAN.
KIDLITkidlit n. (Slang) books written for children or young adults.
KIDLIT n. literature for children.
LIBIDOlibido n. (Common usage) Sexual urges or drives.
libido n. (Psychology) Drives or mental energies related to or based on sexual instincts but not necessarily sexual…
libido n. (Astronomy, archaic or misused, an occasional carry-over from astrology to astronomy) Synonym of albedo…
LILIEDlilied adj. Covered with, or having many, lilies.
LILIED adj. covered with lilies.
LIMPIDlimpid adj. Clear, transparent or bright.
LIMPID adj. transparent.
LIPIDElipide n. Archaic form of lipid.
LIPIDE n. any of a class of fatty substances, also LIPID, LIPIN, LIPOID.
LIPIDSlipids n. Plural of lipid.
LIPID n. any of a class of fatty substances, also LIPIDE, LIPIN, LIPOID.
LIPOIDlipoid adj. Of pertaining to fat.
lipoid n. A lipid or other substance resembling fat.
LIPOID n. any of a class of fatty substances, also LIPID, LIPIDE, LIPIN.
LIQUIDliquid n. A substance that is flowing, and keeping no shape, such as water; a substance of which the molecules…
liquid n. (Phonetics) Any of a class of consonant sounds that includes l and r.
liquid adj. Flowing freely like water; fluid; not solid and not gaseous; composed of particles that move freely…
MILADIMILADI n. a term of address for a rich or aristocratic English lady, also MILADY.
RIDGILridgil n. Alternative form of ridgel.
RIDGIL n. a male animal with only one testicle, also RIDGEL, RIDGELING, RIDGLING, RIGGALD, RIGLIN, RIGLING.
SIALIDsialid n. (Entomology) Any member of the family Sialidae of alderflies.
SIALID n. an alderfly, also SIALIDAN.
SOLIDIsolidi n. Plural of solidus.
SOLIDUS n. (Latin) a Roman gold coin, aka bezant; a mediaeval silver coin worth 12 denarii.
TIDILYtidily adv. In a tidy manner; neatly; cleanly.
tidily adv. (Obsolete) seasonably; betimes.
tidily adv. (Obsolete) suitably; duly; favourably.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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