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There are 19 six-letter words containing D, H, O and T

DEHORTdehort v. (Transitive, rare or obsolete) To dissuade.
DEHORT v. to dissuade.
DHOOTIdhooti n. Alternative form of dhoti.
DHOOTI n. (Hindi) a loincloth worn by Indian men, also DHOOTIE, DHOTI, DHUTI.
DHOTISdhotis n. Plural of dhoti.
DHOTI n. (Hindi) a loincloth worn by Indian men, also DHOOTI, DHOOTIE, DHUTI.
DOTISHdotish adj. (Archaic) foolish; weak; imbecile.
DOTISH adj. foolish; weak.
DOUGHTdought n. (Scotland, Northern England, obsolete) might, strength.
dought v. (Dialect) alternative past of dow.
DOW v. to be able.
DROUTHdrouth n. Alternative form of drought.
DROUTH n. drought.
HOOTEDhooted v. Past participle of hoot.
HOOT v. to cry like an owl, also HOUT, WHOOT.
HOSTEDhosted v. Simple past tense and past participle of host.
HOST v. to entertain socially.
HOTBEDhotbed n. A low bed of earth covered with glass, and heated with rotting manure, used for the germination of seeds…
hotbed n. (By extension) An environment that is ideal for the growth or development of something, especially of…
hotbed n. An iron platform in a rolling mill, on which hot bars, rails, etc., are laid to cool.
HOTDOGhotdog n. Alternative spelling of hot dog.
hotdog v. (Intransitive, slang) To show off, especially in surfing and other sports.
hot-dog n. Alternative spelling of hot dog.
HOTRODhotrod n. Alternative spelling of hot rod.
hot␣rod n. Typically a passenger vehicle modified to run and/or accelerate faster. The term may be used generically…
hot␣rod n. (Sexuality, slang) The penis.
HOTTEDhotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of hot.
HOT v. to heat.
HOUTEDHOUT v. to make a sound like an owl, also HOOT, WHOOT.
METHODmethod n. A process by which a task is completed; a way of doing something (followed by the adposition of, to…
method n. (Acting, often "the method") A technique for acting based on the ideas articulated by Konstantin Stanislavski…
method n. (Object-oriented programming) A subroutine or function belonging to a class or object.
MOTHEDmothed v. Simple past tense and past participle of moth.
MOTHED adj. moth-eaten.
THOLEDtholed v. Simple past tense and past participle of thole.
THOLE v. to endure, bear.
THOUEDthoued v. Simple past tense and past participle of thou.
THOU v. to address as thou.
THROEDTHROE v. to suffer violent spasms of pain.
TOSHEDtoshed v. Simple past tense and past participle of tosh.
TOSH v. to trim.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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