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There are 11 six-letter words containing D, G, N and P

DOGNAPdognap v. (Transitive) To abduct (a dog).
dog-nap v. Alternative form of dognap.
dog␣nap v. Alternative form of dognap.
DOPINGdoping v. Present participle of dope.
doping n. The use of drugs to improve athletic performance.
doping n. The addition of small quantities of an element (a dopant) to a semiconductor to change its characteristics.
DUPINGduping v. Present participle of dupe.
DUPING n. the act of deceiving.
PADANGpadang n. Malaysian grassland.
PADANG n. (Malay) a field, esp a playing field.
PADNAGpadnag n. (Archaic) An ambling nag.
PADNAG n. a horse that moves along at an easy pace.
PANGEDpanged v. Simple past tense and past participle of pang.
PANG v. to inflict a violent but brief pain.
PIDGINpidgin n. (Linguistics) An amalgamation of two disparate languages, used by two populations having no common language…
pidgin n. (Archaic, idiomatic) A person’s business, occupation, work, or trade (also spelt as pigeon).
PIDGIN n. a simplified speech used for communication between people with different languages, also PIDGEON.
PINGEDpinged v. Simple past tense and past participle of ping.
PING v. to produce a brief, high-pitched sound.
PLONGDPLONGD v. (Spenser) plunged.
PONGEDponged v. Simple past tense and past participle of pong.
PONG v. to stink, also PONK.
PONGIDpongid n. (Obsolete) Any primate once considered to belong in the family Pongidae; the great apes excluding humans.
PONGID n. any large ape esp. the chimpanzee and the orangutan.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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