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There are 16 six-letter words containing D, F, S and U

DEFUSEdefuse v. (Transitive) To remove the fuse from (A bomb, etc.).
defuse v. (Transitive, figurative) To make less dangerous, tense, or hostile.
defuse v. (Obsolete) To disorder; to make shapeless.
DOOFUSdoofus n. (Slang) A person with poor judgment and taste.
DOOFUS n. a stupid person, also DUFUS.
FAULDSfaulds n. Plural of fauld.
Faulds prop.n. A surname from Scots.
FAULD n. the arch over the dam of a blast furnace.
FLUIDSfluids n. Plural of fluid.
FLUID n. a substance that tends to flow.
FONDUSfondus n. Plural of fondu.
FONDU v. (French) to cook a dish of melted cheese, also FONDUE.
FOUNDSfounds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of found.
founds n. Plural of found.
FOUND v. to establish.
FRAUDSfrauds n. Plural of fraud.
FRAUD n. criminal deception.
FUDGESfudges n. Plural of fudge.
fudges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fudge.
Fudges prop.n. Plural of Fudge.
FUNDISfundis n. Plural of fundi.
FUNDI n. in South Africa, an expert.
FUNDUSfundus n. (Anatomy) the large, hollow part of an organ farthest from an opening; especially.
FUNDUS n. (Latin) the inner basal surface of a bodily organ.
FUSKEDFUSK v. to obtain data from (a website) by using a fusker.
FUSSEDfussed v. Simple past tense and past participle of fuss.
fussed adj. (UK, informal, chiefly in the negative) Bothered; concerned.
FUSS v. to be overly concerned with small details.
FUSTEDfusted adj. (Obsolete) mouldy; having a bad smell.
FUST v. to smell mouldy.
SHADUFshaduf n. Alternative spelling of shadoof.
SHADUF n. (Arabic) a machine, resembling a well sweep, used in Egypt for raising water from the Nile for irrigation, also SHADOOF.
SULFIDsulfid n. Archaic form of sulfide.
SULFID n. a compound of an element or radical with sulphur, also SULFIDE, SULPHID, SULPHIDE.
SURFEDsurfed v. Simple past tense and past participle of surf.
SURF v. to ride breaking waves on a narrow board.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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