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There are 19 six-letter words containing D, E, M and Y

COMEDYcomedy n. (Countable, historical) A choric song of celebration or revel, especially in Ancient Greece.
comedy n. (Countable) A light, amusing play with a happy ending.
comedy n. (Countable, Medieval Europe) A narrative poem with an agreeable ending (e.g., The Divine Comedy).
DREAMYdreamy adj. As in a dream; resembling a dream.
dreamy adj. (Colloquial) Sexy; handsome; attractive.
dreamy adj. Having a pleasant or romantic atmosphere.
EMBODYembody v. (Transitive) To represent in a physical or concrete form; to incarnate or personify.
embody v. (Transitive) To represent in some other form, such as a code of laws.
embody v. (Transitive) To comprise or include as part of a cohesive whole; to be made up of.
EMYDESemydes n. Plural of emys.
EMYDE n. a genus of freshwater terrapin, also EMYD, EMYS.
GYMPEDGYMP v. to trim with gimp, a kind of yarn, also GIMP, GUIMP.
HYMNEDhymned v. Simple past tense and past participle of hymn.
hymned adj. For whom a hymn is sung (typically at a funeral).
HYMN v. to sing a song of praise to god.
MADEFYmadefy v. (Transitive, obsolete) To make wet or moist.
MADEFY v. (archaic) to moisten.
MEDFLYmedfly n. A small fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, native to the Mediterranean.
MEDFLY n. a Mediterranean fruit fly.
MEDLEYmedley n. (Now rare, archaic) Combat, fighting; a battle.
medley n. A collection or mixture of miscellaneous things.
medley n. (Music) A collection of related songs played or mixed together as a single piece.
MELODYmelody n. A sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase.
Melody prop.n. A female given name from English.
MELODY n. an agreeable succession of single musical sounds.
MOYLEDmoyled v. Simple past tense and past participle of moyle.
MOYLE v. to moil, toil.
MUDEYEmud-eye n. (Australia) A dragonfly larva.
MUDEYE n. (Australian) the larva of the dragonfly, commonly used as a fishing bait.
REMEDYremedy n. Something that corrects or counteracts.
remedy n. (Law) The legal means to recover a right or to prevent or obtain redress for a wrong.
remedy n. A medicine, application, or treatment that relieves or cures a disease.
RHYMEDrhymed v. Simple past tense and past participle of rhyme.
RHYME v. to compose verse with corresponding terminal sounds, also RIME.
RYMMEDRYMME v. (obsolete) to provide with a rim.
STYMEDSTYME v. (Scots) to peer, also STIME.
YELMEDyelmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of yelm.
YELM v. (dialect) to prepare straw for thatching, also YEALM.
YOMPEDyomped v. Simple past tense and past participle of yomp.
YOMP v. to march with heavy equipment over difficult terrain; to cover a certain distance in this way.
YUMPEDyumped v. Simple past tense and past participle of yump.
YUMP v. in rally-driving, to leave the ground when going over a ridge or crest.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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