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There are 19 six-letter words containing D, E, I and X

ADIEUXadieux n. Plural of adieu.
ADIEU n. (French) a farewell.
AXISEDaxised adj. (In combination) Having the specified number or kind of axes.
AXISED adj. having an axis.
DEIXESdeixes n. Plural of deixis.
DEIXIS n. (Greek) use of words relating to the utterer's time and place.
DEIXISdeixis n. (Linguistics) The use of a word, such as a pronoun, to refer to something that must be identified from…
DEIXIS n. (Greek) use of words relating to the utterer's time and place.
DEXIESdexies n. Plural of dexy.
dexies n. Plural of dexie.
DEXY n. a pill containing Dexedrine, a sulfate used as a stimulant, also DEX, DEXIE.
DIPLEXdiplex adj. (Telegraphy) Involving the transmission of two messages in the same direction at the same time.
diplex v. (Radio) Simulcast the same signal on two frequencies.
diplex v. (Radio) Combine two signals using two frequencies onto one cable.
DIXIESdixies n. Plural of dixie.
DIXIE n. (Hindi) a military cooking-pot, also DIXY.
DOXIESdoxies n. Plural of doxy.
doxies n. Plural of doxie.
DOXIE n. a doctrine, also DOXY.
EXCIDEexcide v. (Transitive) To cut off.
EXCIDE v. (archaic) to cut off.
EXILEDexiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of exile.
EXILE v. to banish from one's own country.
EXITEDexited v. Simple past tense and past participle of exit.
EXIT v. to go out.
EXODICexodic adj. (Biology) Conducting influences from the spinal cord outward; said of the motor or efferent nerves.
EXODIC adj. relating to exodus.
EXODOIexodoi n. Plural of exodos.
EXODOS n. (Greek) a concluding dramatic scene.
FLIXEDFLIX v. to melt, also FLUX.
JINXEDjinxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of jinx.
JINX v. to bring bad luck to.
OXHIDEoxhide n. The skin (hide) of an ox.
oxhide n. Leather made from the hide of an ox.
OXHIDE n. leather from the hide of an ox.
OXIDESoxides n. Plural of oxide.
OXIDE n. a compound containing oxygen, also OXID.
SEXFIDsexfid adj. (Botany) cleft into six.
SEXFID adj. cleft in six.
TAXIEDtaxied v. Simple past tense and past participle of taxi.
TAXI v. to travel in a taxicab.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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