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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 15 six-letter words containing 2D, I and U

CUDDIECUDDIE n. (Gaelic) a young coalfish, also CUDDEN, CUDDIN, CUDDY.
CUDDINCUDDIN n. (Gaelic) a young coalfish, also CUDDEN, CUDDIE, CUDDY.
DIRDUMDIRDUM n. (Scots) an uproar, also DIRDAM, DURDUM.
DISBUDdisbud v. (Horticulture) To remove buds from a plant in order to promote growth and health in the remaining buds.
disbud v. (Veterinary) To remove horn-buds from a young calf, lamb or goat kid, to prevent growth of horns.
DISBUD v. to remove buds from.
DRUIDSdruids n. Plural of druid.
Druids n. Plural of Druid.
DRUID n. one of an ancient order of Celtic priests.
DUDDIEDUDDIE adj. (Scots) ragged, also DUDDY.
DUDDIE n. a friend, a chum.
DUDINGduding v. Present participle of dude.
DUDE v. to dress in flashy clothes.
DUDISHdudish adj. (Dated) Like a dude or dandy; foppish; fastidious about personal appearance.
DUDISH adj. like, or characteristic of, a dude.
DUDISMDUDISM n. dressing up like a dude, flashily.
DUTIEDdutied adj. On which duty must be paid; taxable on import or export.
DUTIED adj. subjected to duties.
GIDDUPgiddup interj. Alternative spelling of giddyup.
GIDDUP interj. to a horse to go faster, also GIDDAP, GIDDYAP, GIDDYUP.
GUIDEDguided v. Simple past tense and past participle of guide.
guided adj. Subject to guidance.
GUIDE v. to show the way.
INDUEDindued v. Simple past tense and past participle of indue.
INDUE v. to provide with, also ENDUE, INDEW.
OUTDIDoutdid v. Simple past tense of outdo.
OUTDO v. to exceed in performance.
SIDDURsiddur n. (Judaism) A prayer book containing a set order of daily prayers.
SIDDUR n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer book containing prayers and other information relevant to the daily liturgy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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