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There are 14 five-letter words containing D, M, O and S

DEMOSdemos n. (Originally Ancient Greece) An ancient subdivision of Attica; (now also) a Greek municipality, an administrative…
demos n. (Political science, singular or plural) The ordinary citizens of an ancient Greek city-state; hence…
demos n. Plural of demo.
DOMESdomes n. Plural of dome.
Domes prop.n. Plural of Dome.
DOME v. to cover with a rounded roof.
DOOMSdooms n. Plural of doom.
dooms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of doom.
DOOM v. to condemn to catastrophe.
DORMSdorms n. Plural of dorm.
DORM n. (short for) dormitory.
DOUMSdoums n. Plural of doum.
DOUM n. (Arabic) a kind of African palm tree.
DSOMODSOMO n. (Tibetan) a female zo, also JOMO, ZHOMO.
MISDOmisdo v. (Archaic, intransitive) To do evil.
misdo v. (Transitive) To do (something) incorrectly or improperly.
misdo v. (Archaic, transitive) To do harm to; to injure, mistreat.
MODESmodes n. Plural of mode.
MODE n. a way or manner of acting.
MODUSmodus n. (Law, obsolete) The arrangement of, or mode of expressing, the terms of a contract or conveyance.
modus n. (Law) A qualification involving the idea of variation or departure from some general rule or form, in…
modus n. (Law) A fixed compensation or equivalent given instead of payment of tithes in kind, expressed in full…
MOLDSmolds n. Plural of mold.
molds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mold.
MOLD v. to work into a particular shape, also MOULD.
MOODSmoods n. Plural of mood.
MOOD n. a temporary state of the emotions or attitude.
MOSEDMOSE v. (Shakespeare) to have glanders.
ODISModism n. (Archaic) The supposed science of the force or natural power called od.
ODISM n. belief in the power of od, also ODYLISM.
SODOMSodom prop.n. (Biblical, Quranic) A city in the Middle East which, according to the Bible and Islamic tradition, but…
Sodom n. A city or place full of sin and vice.
SODOM n. a place notorious for vice and corruption.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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