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There are 6 five-letter words containing D, M, N and O

DEMONdemon n. An evil supernatural spirit.
demon n. A neutral supernatural spirit.
demon n. Someone with great strength, passion or skill for a particular activity, pursuit etc.; an enthusiast.
MONADmonad n. (Philosophy) An ultimate atom, or simple, unextended point; something ultimate and indivisible.
monad n. (Botany) A single individual (such as a pollen grain) that is free from others, not united in a group.
monad n. (Biology, dated) A single-celled organism.
MONDEmonde n. A ball-like object, located near the top of a crown, symbolizing the globe.
MONDE n. (French) the world; a globe as an ensign of royalty.
MONDOmondo n. (Zen Buddhism) A dialogue between master and student designed to obtain an intuitive truth.
mondo adj. (US, slang) Big, large; major, significant.
mondo adv. (US, slang) Very, extremely, really.
MOUNDmound n. An artificial hill or elevation of earth; a raised bank; an embankment thrown up for defense.
mound n. A natural elevation appearing as if thrown up artificially; a regular and isolated hill, hillock, or knoll.
mound n. (Baseball) Elevated area of dirt upon which the pitcher stands to pitch.
NOMADnomad n. (Anthropology) A member of a society or class who herd animals from pasture to pasture with no fixed home.
nomad n. (Figuratively) Synonym of wanderer: an itinerant person.
nomad n. (Figuratively) A person who changes residence frequently.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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