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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 10 five-letter words containing D, L, O and R

DOLORdolor n. (American spelling) Alternative spelling of dolour.
DOLOR n. grief, also DOLOUR.
DROILdroil n. (Obsolete) A drudge.
droil n. (Obsolete) Mean labour; toil.
droil v. To work sluggishly or slowly; to plod.
DROLEDROLE n. a rogue or knave.
DROLE adj. amusing.
DROLLdroll adj. Oddly humorous; whimsical, amusing in a quaint way; waggish.
droll n. (Archaic) A funny person; a buffoon, a wag.
droll v. (Archaic) To jest, to joke.
DROOLdrool v. (Transitive, intransitive) To secrete saliva, especially in anticipation of food.
drool v. (Transitive, intransitive) To secrete any substance in a similar way.
drool v. (Intransitive, informal, figurative) To react to something with uncontrollable desire.
LOORDloord n. (Obsolete) A dull, stupid fellow; a lout.
loord n. (Obsolete) A lazy person; an idler.
LOORD n. (Spenser) a lout.
LORDSlords n. Plural of lord.
lords v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lord.
Lords n. Plural of Lord.
LORDYlordy interj. Alternative letter-case form of Lordy.
Lordy interj. Expressing mild emotion, such as exasperation or frustration.
Lordy interj. Expressing strong emotion, such as amazement.
OLDERolder adj. Comparative form of old: more old, elder, senior.
older adj. Elderly.
Older prop.n. A surname.
WORLDworld n. (With "the" or a plural possessive pronoun) The subjective human experience, regarded collectively;…
world n. (With "the" or a singular possessive pronoun) The subjective human experience, regarded individually.
world n. (Metonymically, with "the") A majority of people.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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