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There are 18 five-letter words containing D, I, L and O

DILDOdildo n. An artificial phallus (penis) for sexual use.
dildo n. (Derogatory) An idiot, a bore.
dildo n. (Derogatory, vulgar, slang) Any device or implement.
DIOLSdiols n. Plural of diol.
DIOL n. an alcohol with two hydroxyl groups in the molecule.
DOILTDOILT adj. (Scots) crazy, foolish, also DOILED.
DOILYdoily n. A small ornamental piece of lace or linen or paper used to protect a surface from scratches by hard…
doily n. (Judaism) A similar circular piece of lace worn as a head-covering by some Jewish women.
doily n. (Obsolete) An old kind of woollen material.
DOLCIDOLCI n. (Italian) sweet things.
DOLIAdolia n. Plural of dolium.
dolia n. An old Russian unit of weight, approximately 44 milligrams.
DOLIUM n. (Latin) a Roman earthenware jar for grain, oil etc.
DROILdroil n. (Obsolete) A drudge.
droil n. (Obsolete) Mean labour; toil.
droil v. To work sluggishly or slowly; to plod.
IDOLAidola n. Plural of idolon.
idola n. Plural of idolum.
IDOLON n. a mental image, a fallacy, also EIDOLON, IDOLUM.
IDOLSidols n. Plural of idol.
IDOL n. an object of worship.
INDOLindol n. Alternative form of indole used for derivatives starting with a vowel.
INDOL n. a crystalline chemical compound, forming the basis of the indigo molecule, also INDOLE.
LIDOSlidos n. Plural of lido.
LIDO n. a bathing beach; an open-air swimming pool.
LOIDSloids n. Plural of loid.
loids v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of loid.
LOID v. to open a lock with a strip of celluloid.
OILEDoiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of oil.
oiled adj. Covered in, or supplied with, oil.
oiled adj. (Slang) Drunk. Usually in conjunction with well.
OLDIEoldie n. (Informal) Something or someone old.
oldie n. (Informal) A song or record from a previous era.
oldie n. (Informal, in the plural) The genre of music composed of popular music from previous eras.
SLOIDsloid n. Alternative form of sloyd.
SLOID n. (Swedish) a Swedish system of manual training by woodwork, also SLOJD, SLOYD.
SOLDIsoldi n. Plural of soldo.
SOLDO n. (Italian) a former Italian coin, one twentieth of a lira.
SOLIDsolid adj. (Of an object or substance) That can be picked up or held, having a texture, and usually firm. Unlike…
solid adj. Large in size, quantity, or value.
solid adj. Lacking holes, hollows or admixtures of other materials.
VIOLDVIOLD adj. (Milton) vialled, put in a vial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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