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There are 19 five-letter words containing D, E, M and S

DAMESdames n. Plural of dame.
Dames n. Plural of Dame.
DAME n. a matron.
DEEMSdeems v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deem.
deems n. Plural of deem.
Deems prop.n. Plural of Deem.
DEISMdeism n. A philosophical belief in the existence of a god (or goddess) knowable through human reason; especially…
deism n. Belief in a god who ceased to intervene with existence after acting as the cause of the cosmos.
Deism n. A religious philosophy and movement prominent in 17th-18th-century England, France, and what is now…
DEMESdemes n. Plural of deme.
DEME n. (Greek) a territorial subdivision of Attica (also of modern Greece), corresponding to a township.
DEMOSdemos n. (Originally Ancient Greece) An ancient subdivision of Attica; (now also) a Greek municipality, an administrative…
demos n. (Political science, singular or plural) The ordinary citizens of an ancient Greek city-state; hence…
demos n. Plural of demo.
DERMSderms n. Plural of derm.
DERM n. the true skin, below the outer layer, also DERMA, DERMIS.
DIMESdimes n. Plural of dime.
DIME n. the tenth part of an American and Canadian dollar, 10 cents.
DISMEdisme n. (US, dated, 18th century) A dime minted in 1792.
disme n. (Obsolete) A tenth; a tenth part; a tithe.
DISME n. a former 10-cent coin of the USA.
DOMESdomes n. Plural of dome.
Domes prop.n. Plural of Dome.
DOME v. to cover with a rounded roof.
EMYDSemyds n. Plural of emyd.
EMYD n. a genus of freshwater terrapin, also EMYDE, EMYS.
MASEDmased v. Simple past tense and past participle of mase.
MASE v. to act as a maser, a device used to amplify long-range radar and radio astronomy signals.
MEADSmeads n. Plural of mead.
Meads prop.n. Plural of Mead.
MEAD n. an alcoholic liquor produced by fermenting a mixture of honey and water, also MEATH, MEATHE.
MEEDSmeeds n. Plural of meed.
MEED n. a deserved reward.
MELDSmelds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of meld.
MELD v. to merge, blend.
MENDSmends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mend.
mends n. Plural of mend.
mends n. Obsolete form of amends.
MODESmodes n. Plural of mode.
MODE n. a way or manner of acting.
MOSEDMOSE v. (Shakespeare) to have glanders.
MUSEDmused v. Simple past tense and past participle of muse.
MUSE v. to ponder.
SEDUMsedum n. Any of various succulent plants, of the genus Sedum, native to temperate zones; the stonecrop.
Sedum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Crassulaceae – the stonecrops, succulents found throughout the northern…
SEDUM n. (Latin) any of a genus of plants, mostly perennial, having succulent leaves and cymose flowers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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