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There are 15 five-letter words containing D, E, M and R

ARMEDarmed adj. (Sometimes in combination) Equipped, especially with a weapon.
armed adj. (Of a weapon) Prepared for use; loaded.
armed adj. (Obsolete) Furnished with whatever serves to add strength, force, or efficiency.
DEMURdemur v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To linger; to stay; to tarry.
demur v. (Intransitive) To delay; to pause; to suspend proceedings or judgment in view of a doubt or difficulty;…
demur v. (Intransitive) To scruple or object; to take exception; to oppose; to balk.
DERMAderma n. The inner layer of the skin.
derma n. A Jewish dish of roast or boiled seasoned meat and flour etc. in a casing, especially kishke.
-derma suff. Skin or skin disease.
DERMSderms n. Plural of derm.
DERM n. the true skin, below the outer layer, also DERMA, DERMIS.
DIMERdimer n. (Chemistry) A molecule consisting of two identical halves, formed by joining two identical molecules…
DIMER n. a molecular compound with two identical molecules.
DREAMdream n. Imaginary events seen in the mind while sleeping.
dream n. (Figurative) A hope or wish.
dream n. A visionary scheme; a wild conceit; an idle fancy.
DROMEdrome n. (Obsolete) The crab plover, Dromas ardeola, of North Africa.
Drôme prop.n. One of the départements of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France. Capital: Valence (INSEE code 26).
Drôme prop.n. A river in France, tributary to the Rhône.
FREMDfremd adj. (Rare, chiefly dialectal) Strange, unusual, out of the ordinary; unfamiliar.
fremd adj. (Rare, chiefly dialectal) Not kin, unrelated; foreign.
fremd adj. (Obsolete) Wild; untamed.
MADREMADRE n. (Spanish) mother.
MERDEmerde n. (Humorous, nonstandard) Shit.
MERDE n. (vulgar French) excrement, used as an interjection.
MEREDmered v. Simple past tense and past participle of mere.
MERE v. to mark off, divide, also MEARE, MEER.
MIREDmired v. Simple past tense and past participle of mire.
mired n. A unit of measurement for color temperature.
MIRE v. to sink in mud.
MODERmoder v. (Obsolete) to moderate.
Moder prop.n. A surname.
MODER n. (German) a layer of humus intermediate between mor and mull.
MUREDmured v. Simple past tense and past participle of mure.
MURE v. to wall up the doors of; to stop (up) the means of access to.
RIMEDrimed adj. Covered in frost.
rimed v. Simple past tense and past participle of rime.
RIME v. to cover with rime.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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