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There are 11 five-letter words containing D, 2E and U

DEUCEdeuce n. (Card games) A card with two pips, one of four in a standard deck of playing cards.
deuce n. (Dice games) A side of a die with two spots.
deuce n. (Dice games) A cast of dice totalling two.
EDUCEeduce v. (Transitive, now rare) To direct the course of (A flow, journey etc.); to lead in a particular direction.
educe v. (Transitive) To infer or deduce (A result, theory etc.) from existing data or premises.
educe v. (Transitive) To draw out or bring forth from some basic or potential state; to elicit, to develop.
ELUDEelude v. (Transitive) To evade or escape from (someone or something), especially by using cunning or skill.
elude v. (Transitive) To shake off (a pursuer); to give someone the slip.
elude v. (Transitive) To escape being understandable to; to be incomprehensible to.
ENDUEendue v. (Obsolete) To pass food into the stomach; to digest; also figuratively, to take on, absorb.
endue v. To take on, to take the form of.
endue v. To put on (a piece of clothing); to clothe (someone with something).
ETUDEetude n. (Music) A short piece of music, designed to give a performer practice in a particular area or skill.
étude n. Alternative spelling of etude.
ETUDE n. (French) a composition in the fine arts which is intended, or may serve, for a study.
EUKEDEUK v. (dialect) to itch, also EWK, YEUK, YOUK, YUKE.
EXUDEexude v. (Transitive) To discharge through pores or incisions, as moisture or other liquid matter; to give out.
exude v. (Intransitive) To flow out through the pores.
exude v. (Transitive) To give off or radiate a certain quality or emotion, often strongly.
FEUEDfeued v. Simple past tense and past participle of feu.
FEU v. (Scots) to grant land to under Scottish feudal law.
SUEDEsuede n. A type of soft leather, made from calfskin, with a brushed texture to resemble fabric, often used to…
suede adj. Made of suede.
suede v. (Transitive) To make (leather) into suede.
UNDEEundee adj. (Heraldry) Alternative form of undé.
UNDEE adj. in heraldry, wavy, also OUNDY, UNDE, UNDY.
URDEEurdée adj. Alternative form of urdé.
URDEE adj. in heraldry, pointed, with a pattern of points, also URDE, URDY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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