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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing D, E, J and S

COADJACENCIESCOADJACENCY n. the state of being coadjacent.
COADJUTRESSEScoadjutresses n. Plural of coadjutress.
COADJUTRESS n. a female coadjutor, also COADJUTRIX.
DISJUNCTIVELYdisjunctively adv. In a disjunctive manner.
DISJUNCTIVE adv. separating.
FOREJUDGMENTSforejudgments n. Plural of forejudgment.
FOREJUDGMENT n. an advance judgment, also FOREJUDGEMENT.
JOINTEDNESSESJOINTEDNESS n. the state of being jointed.
JUDICIOUSNESSjudiciousness n. The state of being judicious.
JUDICIOUSNESS n. the state of being judicious.
JUGLANDACEOUSjuglandaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to Juglandaceae.
juglandaceous adj. Of or relating to walnuts.
JUGLANDACEOUS adj. belonging to the walnut family.
JURISPRUDENCEjurisprudence n. (Law) The theoretical study of law.
jurisprudence n. (Law) Case law, or the body of case law regarding a certain subject.
JURISPRUDENCE n. the science or philosophy of law.
JURISPRUDENTSjurisprudents n. Plural of jurisprudent.
JURISPRUDENT n. a person who is knowledgeable in jurisprudence.
MALADJUSTMENTmaladjustment n. A poor or faulty adjustment, especially of a mechanism.
maladjustment n. (Psychology) The inability to adapt oneself to the needs of others, or to the stresses of normal life.
MALADJUSTMENT n. poor, faulty, or inadequate adjustment.
MISADJUSTMENTmisadjustment n. Wrong or unsuitable adjustment.
MISJUDGEMENTSmisjudgements n. Plural of misjudgement.
MISJUDGEMENT n. an erroneous judgment, also MISJUDGMENT.
OVERADJUSTINGoveradjusting v. Present participle of overadjust.
PREJUDGEMENTSprejudgements n. Plural of prejudgement.
PREJUDGEMENT n. the act of prejudging, also PREJUDGMENT.
READJUSTMENTSreadjustments n. Plural of readjustment.
READJUSTMENT n. the act of readjusting.
SUBJECTIVISEDsubjectivised v. Simple past tense and past participle of subjectivise.
SUBJECTIVISE v. to make subjective, also SUBJECTIVIZE.
SUBJECTIVIZEDsubjectivized v. Simple past tense and past participle of subjectivize.
SUBJECTIVIZE v. to make subjective, also SUBJECTIVISE.
SURREJOINDERSsurrejoinders n. Plural of surrejoinder.
SURREJOINDER n. in law, a plaintiff's reply to defendant's rejoinder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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