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There are 19 ten-letter words containing D, 2K and R

BOOKMARKEDbookmarked v. Simple past tense and past participle of bookmark.
BOOKMARK v. to place a bookmark.
DOCKWORKERdockworker n. A person who works on the dock of a harbor or shipyard, usually employed to load or unload freight.
dock␣worker n. Alternative form of dockworker.
DOCKWORKER n. one who works on the docks.
DONKEYWORKdonkeywork n. Alternative form of donkey work.
donkey␣work n. (Idiomatic) Hard, boring, routine work.
DONKEYWORK n. monotonous and routine work.
DOORKNOCKSdoorknocks n. Plural of doorknock.
doorknocks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of doorknock.
DOORKNOCK v. to go from door to door.
DROPKICKERdropkicker n. One who dropkicks.
drop-kicker n. One who dropkicks.
DROPKICKER n. one who takes dropkicks.
DUIKERBOKSduikerboks n. Plural of duikerbok.
DUIKERBOK n. (South African) a small South African antelope, also DUIKER, DUYKER.
DUKKERIPENDUKKERIPEN n. (Romany) fortune-telling.
FRIKKADELSfrikkadels n. Plural of frikkadel.
FRIKKADEL n. (South African) a fried ball of mincemeat, also FRICADEL.
KERPLUNKEDkerplunked v. Simple past tense and past participle of kerplunk.
KERPLUNK v. to drop with a heavy sound.
KEYSTROKEDkeystroked v. Simple past tense and past participle of keystroke.
KEYSTROKE v. to type on a keyboard.
KICKAROUNDkickaround n. An impromptu soccer game without strict adherence to the rules.
kick␣around n. An informal game of football, rugby or similar sports.
kick␣around v. To abuse or mistreat; to bully; to be rough with.
KICKBOARDSkickboards n. Plural of kickboard.
kick-boards n. Plural of kick-board.
KICKBOARD n. a buoyant rectangular board held by swimmers to practise kicking technique.
KILDERKINSkilderkins n. Plural of kilderkin.
KILDERKIN n. (obsolete) a cask measuring 18 gallons (1/2 barrel).
KIRKYAIRDSKIRKYAIRD n. (Scots) a churchyard, also KIRKYARD.
KLONDIKERSklondikers n. Plural of klondiker.
Klondikers n. Plural of Klondiker.
KLONDIKER n. a factory-ship, also KLONDYKER.
KLONDYKERSklondykers n. Plural of klondyker.
KLONDYKER n. a factory-ship, also KLONDIKER.
KOMONDOROKKomondorok n. Plural of Komondor.
KOMONDOR n. (Hungarian) a large, shaggy-coated dog.
POCKMARKEDpockmarked v. Simple past tense and past participle of pockmark.
pockmarked adj. Having pockmarks.
pockmarked adj. Pitted, or scarred with holes.
SKUNKBIRDSskunkbirds n. Plural of skunkbird.
SKUNKBIRD n. an American bird, aka bobolink or ricebird.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 85 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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