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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 7 six-letter words containing D, P and X

DIPLEXdiplex adj. (Telegraphy) Involving the transmission of two messages in the same direction at the same time.
diplex v. (Radio) Simulcast the same signal on two frequencies.
diplex v. (Radio) Combine two signals using two frequencies onto one cable.
DUPLEXduplex adj. Double, made up of two parts.
duplex adj. (Telecommunications) Bidirectional (in two directions).
duplex adj. (Soil science) Having horizons with contrasting textures.
EXOPODexopod n. (Zoology) The outer ramus of a biramous limb of a crustacean.
EXOPOD n. the outer branch of a crustacean limb, also EXOPODITE.
EXPANDexpand v. (Transitive) To change (something) from a smaller form or size to a larger one; to spread out or lay open.
expand v. (Transitive) To increase the extent, number, volume or scope of (something).
expand v. (Transitive) To express (something) at length and/or in detail.
EXPENDexpend v. (Transitive) to consume, exhaust (some resource).
expend v. (Transitive, rare, of money) to spend, disburse.
EXPEND v. to consume in any way.
PLEXEDPLEX v. to make a plexus.
SPADIXspadix n. (Botany) A fleshy spike (inflorescence) with reduced flowers, usually enclosed by a spathe, characteristic of aroids.
spadix n. (Zoology) A male sexual organ of certain cephalopods and hydrozoans (especially the nautilus), used to transfer sperm.
SPADIX n. (Greek) a flower-spike covered by large leaf, as in the arum plant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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