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There are 12 four-letter words containing D, T and U

DAUTDAUT v. (Scots) to pet, also DAWT.
DOUTdout n. Obsolete spelling of doubt.
dout v. (Transitive, dialectal or obsolete) To put out; quench; extinguish; douse.
DOUT v. (Scots) to put out, extinguish.
DUCTduct n. A pipe, tube or canal which carries gas or liquid from one place to another.
duct n. (Physics) a layer (as in the atmosphere or the ocean) which occurs under usually abnormal conditions…
duct n. (Obsolete) guidance, direction.
DUETduet n. (Music) A musical composition in two parts, each performed by a single voice (singer, instrument or univoce ensemble).
duet n. (Music) A song composed for and/or performed by a duo.
duet n. A pair or couple, especially one that is harmonious or elegant.
DUITDUIT n. (Dutch) a former Dutch coin, also DODKIN, DOIT, DOITKIN.
DUNTdunt n. (Scotland) A stroke; a dull-sounding blow.
dunt v. (Scotland) To strike; give a blow to; knock.
dunt n. (UK, dialect) The disease gid or sturdy in sheep.
DUSTdust n. Fine particles.
dust n. (Countable) The act of cleaning by dusting.
dust n. The earth, as the resting place of the dead.
DUTYduty n. That which one is morally or legally obligated to do.
duty n. The state of being at work and responsible for or doing a particular task.
duty n. A tax placed on imports or exports; a tariff.
STUDstud n. A male animal, especially a stud horse (stallion), kept for breeding.
stud n. A female animal, especially a studmare (broodmare), kept for breeding.
stud n. (By extension, collective) A group of such animals.
THUDthud n. The sound of a dull impact.
thud n. A hard, dull impact.
thud n. (BDSM) A slower, dull impact with a wide surface area.
TUNDTUND v. (archaic) to beat, thump.
TURDturd n. (Informal, mildly vulgar) A piece of solid animal or human faeces.
turd n. (Informal, mildly vulgar, derogatory) A worthless person or thing.
TURD n. (vulgar) a piece of dung.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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