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There are 7 four-letter words containing D, G and U

DEGUdegu n. Any species of the genus Octodon, especially Octodon degus, a small, caviomorph rodent native to Chile.
DEGU n. a small rodent native to Chile, aka Brush-Tailed Rat.
DRUGdrug n. (Pharmacology) A substance used to treat an illness, relieve a symptom, or modify a chemical process…
drug n. A psychoactive substance, especially one which is illegal and addictive, ingested for recreational use…
drug n. Anything, such as a substance, emotion, or action, to which one is addicted.
DUGSdugs n. Plural of dug.
DUG n. the udder of a female mammal.
DUNGdung n. (Uncountable) Manure; animal excrement.
dung n. (Countable) A type of manure, as from a particular species or type of animal.
dung v. (Transitive) To fertilize with dung.
GAUDgaud n. A cheap showy trinket.
gaud n. (Obsolete) trick; jest; sport.
gaud n. (Obsolete) deceit; fraud; artifice.
GUDEGude prop.n. A surname.
GUDE adj. (Scots) good, also GUID.
GUDE n. something that is good.
GUIDguid n. Alternative form of GUID.
GUID n. (Computing) Acronym of globally unique identifier.
GUID adj. (Scots) good, also GUDE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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