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There are 9 four-letter words containing D and Z

ADZEadze n. A cutting tool that has a curved blade set at a right angle to the handle and is used in shaping wood.
adze v. To shape a material using an adze.
ADZE v. to dress timber with a cutting tool with an arched blade set at right angles to the handle, also ADZ.
DAZEdaze n. The state of being dazed.
daze n. (Mining) A glittering stone.
daze v. (Transitive) To stun or stupefy, for example with bright light, with a blow, with cold, or with fear.
DITZditz n. (Informal) A scatterbrained person, especially a woman.
DITZ n. a silly person.
DOZEdoze v. (Intransitive) To sleep lightly or briefly; to nap, snooze.
doze v. (Transitive) To make dull; to stupefy.
doze v. (Intransitive, slang) To bulldoze.
DOZYdozy adj. Quite sleepy or tired.
dozy adj. Intellectually slow.
dozy adj. (Carpentry) Decaying, rotten, spongy.
DZHOdzho n. Alternative form of dzo.
DZHO n. a cross between a yak and a cow, also ZHO, DSO, DZO, JOMO.
DZOSdzos n. Plural of dzo.
DZO n. a cross between a yak and a cow, also DSO, DZHO, ZO, ZHO.
ZEDAZEDA n. (Yiddish) a grandfather, also ZAIDA, ZAIDEH, ZAIDY.
ZEDSzeds n. Plural of zed.
Zeds n. Plural of Zed.
ZED n. the letter Z, also ZEE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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