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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing C, N, O, P, 2R, T and U

COUNTERPARTScounterparts n. Plural of counterpart.
COUNTERPART n. one of two corresponding copies of a legal instrument.
COUNTERPARTYcounterparty n. (Finance, insurance, law) The other party to a financial transaction.
counter-party n. Alternative spelling of counterparty.
COUNTERPARTY n. a party set up in opposition to another party.
COUNTERPOWERcounterpower n. A political or other kind of power capable of challenging and potentially removing the power of another.
COUNTERPOWER n. a power opposed to another power.
COUNTERPROOFcounterproof n. (Printing) The inverted image of an original proof.
counterproof n. (Logic) A proof that contradicts a given statement.
COUNTERPROOF n. an inverted impression obtained from a newly printed proof of an engraving, by laying it, while the ink is still wet, upon plain paper, and passing it through the press.
COUNTERSCARPcounterscarp n. (Architecture) The outer slope of a defensive or fortified ditch.
COUNTERSCARP n. a narrow earth band on the outer wall of a defensive ditch.
INCORRUPTIONincorruption n. (Archaic) The state of being incorrupt.
INCORRUPTION n. the state of being free from physical decay.
INCORRUPTIVEincorruptive adj. (Archaic) incorruptible; not liable to decay.
INCORRUPTIVE adj. incapable of being corrupted.
NEUROTROPHICneurotrophic adj. Of or relating to neurotrophy.
NEUROTROPHIC adj. relating to the nutrition of the nervous system, or to nutritional changes influenced by the nervous system.
PHOTOCURRENTphotocurrent n. Any electric current that flows as a result of photoconductivity or the photovoltaic effect.
PHOTOCURRENT n. a stream of electrons produced by photoelectric or photovoltaic effects.
PRECONSTRUCTpreconstruct v. (Transitive) To construct in advance.
PRECONSTRUCT v. to construct in advance.
PROCURATIONSprocurations n. Plural of procuration.
PROCURATION n. the management of another's affairs; the instrument giving authority for this.
PROCUREMENTSprocurements n. Plural of procurement.
PROCUREMENT n. the act of procuring.
PROTUBERANCEprotuberance n. A bulge, knob, swelling, spine or anything that protrudes.
PROTUBERANCE n. a swelling or bump on the surface, also PROTUBERANCY.
PROTUBERANCYprotuberancy n. The quality or state of being protuberant.
protuberancy n. A protuberance.
PROTUBERANCY n. a swelling or bump on the surface, also PROTUBERANCE.
RECUPERATIONrecuperation n. Gradual restoration to health.
recuperation n. Instance of getting something back.
recuperation n. (Politics, sociology) Process by which radical or subversive ideas are co-opted by mainstream society.
REPRODUCTIONreproduction n. The act of reproducing new individuals biologically.
reproduction n. The act of making copies.
reproduction n. A copy of something, as in a piece of art; a duplicate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 15 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 35 words

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