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There are 20 words containing C, 2L, 2R, S, T and U

AGRICULTURALISTagriculturalist n. A farmer; one involved with agrarian business.
agriculturalist n. An expert in agriculture who advises farmers.
AGRICULTURALIST n. someone skilled in agriculture, a farmer, also AGRICULTURIST.
CIRCUMSTELLARcircumstellar adj. (Astronomy) That surrounds, or revolves around a star.
CIRCUMSTELLAR adj. surrounding or occurring in the vicinity of a star.
COUNTERRALLIEScounterrallies n. Plural of counterrally.
counter-rallies n. Plural of counter-rally.
COUNTERRALLY v. to rally in opposition.
ELECTROCULTURESELECTROCULTURE n. the cultivation of plants under the stimulus of electricity.
ELECTROFLUORSELECTROFLUOR n. a transparent material that stores electrical energy and subsequently releases it as light.
ELECTROSURGICALelectrosurgical adj. (Surgery) relating to electrosurgery.
ELECTROSURGICAL adj. relating to electrosurgery.
FLORICULTURESfloricultures n. Plural of floriculture.
FLORICULTURE n. the cultivation and management of ornamental and esp. flowering plants.
FLORICULTURISTfloriculturist n. A person who farms flowers.
FLORICULTURIST n. one who practises floriculture.
FLORICULTURISTSfloriculturists n. Plural of floriculturist.
FLORICULTURIST n. one who practises floriculture.
INTRAMUSCULARLYintramuscularly adv. In an intramuscular manner; within a muscle.
INTRAMUSCULAR adv. situated in, occurring in, or administered by entering a muscle.
INTRAVASCULARLYintravascularly adv. Within a blood vessel.
INTRAVASCULAR adv. situated in, occurring in, or administered by entry into a blood vessel.
OLERICULTURESSorry, definition not available.
SCRIPTURALLYscripturally adv. According to scripture.
SCRIPTURAL adv. relating to scripture.
SERICULTURALsericultural adj. Pertaining to sericulture.
SERICULTURAL adj. relating to sericulture.
STRUCTURALLYstructurally adv. In terms of structure.
STRUCTURAL adv. relating to structure.
TRANSCULTURALtranscultural adj. (Sociology, anthropology) Extending through more than one human culture.
transcultural adj. Not culturally specific.
TRANSCULTURAL adj. involving, encompassing, or extending across two or more cultures.
ULTRARADICALSultraradicals n. Plural of ultraradical.
ULTRARADICAL n. one who is extremely radical.
ULTRAREALISTICultrarealistic adj. Extremely realistic.
ULTRAREALISTIC adj. extremely realistic.
ULTRASTRUCTURALultrastructural adj. Of or pertaining to ultrastructure.
ULTRASTRUCTURAL adj. relating to ultrastructure.
UNSCRIPTURALLYunscripturally adv. In an unscriptural manner.
UNSCRIPTURAL adv. not scriptural.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 534 words
  • Scrabble in French: 67 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 33 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 36 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 247 words

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