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There are 18 words containing C, 3L, O, 2S and T

COLLATERALISEScollateralises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of collateralise.
COLLATERALISE v. to make (a loan) secure with collateral, also COLLATERALIZE.
COLLOQUIALISTScolloquialists n. Plural of colloquialist.
COLLOQUIALIST n. one who uses colloquialisms.
DYSLOGISTICALLYdyslogistically adv. In a dyslogistic manner.
DYSLOGISTIC adv. conveying censure.
FOLLICULITISESFOLLICULITIS n. inflammation of the follicles.
MUSCULOSKELETALmusculoskeletal adj. Of, or relating to both muscles and the skeleton.
MUSCULOSKELETAL adj. of, relating to, or involving both musculature and skeleton.
NITROCELLULOSESnitrocelluloses n. Plural of nitrocellulose.
NITROCELLULOSE n. any of several esters of cellulose used esp. for making explosives, plastics, and varnishes.
OCTOSYLLABLESoctosyllables n. Plural of octosyllable.
OCTOSYLLABLE n. a word or line of eight syllables.
PHELLOPLASTICSphelloplastics n. The art of modelling in cork.
PHELLOPLASTIC n. a model in cork.
PHYLLOSILICATESphyllosilicates n. Plural of phyllosilicate.
PHYLLOSILICATE n. any of a class of silicate minerals, including talc, consisting of thin sheets.
SCHOLASTICALLYscholastically adv. In a scholastic manner.
SCHOLASTICAL adv. (archaic) scholastic.
SMALLCLOTHESsmallclothes n. Knee-length breeches, worn especially in the 18th century.
smallclothes n. (Britain, archaic) Underwear and other small items of clothing.
SMALLCLOTHES n. knee-breeches, esp. those of the close-fitting eighteenth century form.
SOCIALISTICALLYsocialistically adv. In a socialist manner, like a socialist.
SOCIALISTIC adv. related to socialism.
SOLECISTICALLYsolecistically adv. (Manner) In a solecistic way; in a way that involves solecism.
SOLECISTICAL adv. having the nature of a solecism, also SOLECISTIC.
SOLIPSISTICALLYsolipsistically adv. With consideration only for one’s own interests.
SOLIPSISTIC adv. relating to solipsism.
SYLLOGISTICALsyllogistical adj. Syllogistic.
SYLLOGISTICAL adj. of or like a syllogism.
SYLLOGISTICALLYsyllogistically adv. In a syllogistic way.
SYLLOGISTICAL adv. of or like a syllogism.
SYMBOLISTICALLYsymbolistically adv. In a symbolistic way.
SYMBOLISTICAL adv. relating to symbolism, also SYMBOLISTIC.
VIOLONCELLISTSvioloncellists n. Plural of violoncellist.
VIOLONCELLIST n. one who plays the violoncello.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 263 words
  • Scrabble in French: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 4 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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