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There are 15 words containing C, I, N, 4O and R

ANDROMONOECIOUSandromonoecious adj. (Botany) Producing both bisexual and male flowers on the same plant.
ANDROMONOECIOUS adj. having hermaphrodite and male flowers on the same plant.
CHRONOBIOLOGICchronobiologic adj. Of or pertaining to chronobiology.
CHRONOBIOLOGIC adj. relating to chronobiology.
CHRONOBIOLOGIESchronobiologies n. Plural of chronobiology.
CHRONOBIOLOGY n. the study of biological rhythms.
CHRONOBIOLOGISTchronobiologist n. A person who is involved in chronobiology.
CHRONOBIOLOGIST n. a student of chronobiology.
CHRONOBIOLOGYchronobiology n. (Biology) The study of the effects of time on biological systems, especially the effects of periodicity.
CHRONOBIOLOGY n. the study of biological rhythms.
CONIDIOPHOROUSCONIDIOPHOROUS adj. of or like a conidiophore, a hypha that produces conidia.
CORROBORATIONcorroboration n. The act of corroborating, strengthening, or confirming; addition of strength; confirmation.
corroboration n. That which corroborates.
CORROBORATION n. corroboration.
CORROBORATIONScorroborations n. Plural of corroboration.
CORROBORATION n. corroboration.
GEOCHRONOLOGICgeochronologic adj. Of or pertaining to geochronology.
GEOCHRONOLOGIC adj. relating to geochronology.
GEOCHRONOLOGIESgeochronologies n. Plural of geochronology.
GEOCHRONOLOGY n. the study of measuring geological time.
GEOCHRONOLOGISTgeochronologist n. A geologist whose speciality is geochronology.
GEOCHRONOLOGIST n. one who studies geochronology.
NITROCHLOROFORMnitrochloroform n. Chlorpicrin.
NITROCHLOROFORM n. a toxic lachrymatory liquid used as a pesticide and a tear gas.
NONCOOPERATIONnoncooperation n. The active absence of cooperation.
non-cooperation n. Alternative spelling of noncooperation.
NONCOOPERATION n. failure or refusal to cooperate.
NONCOOPERATIONSnoncooperations n. Plural of noncooperation.
NONCOOPERATION n. failure or refusal to cooperate.
PHOTOPRODUCTIONphotoproduction n. (Chemistry) The production of a molecular species (e.g. a radical or ion) by means of light.
PHOTOPRODUCTION n. the production of one or more particles by the action of an incident photon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 1057 words
  • Scrabble in French: 33 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 76 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 228 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 136 words

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