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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing C, I, M, P, 2S, T and Y

BRACHYPTERISMSBRACHYPTERISM n. the state of having abnormally short wings.
COMPOSSIBILITYcompossibility n. The quality of being compossible.
COMPOSSIBILITY n. the state of being compossible, possible along with something else.
HYSTRICOMORPHShystricomorphs n. Plural of hystricomorph.
HYSTRICOMORPH n. any rodent of a suborder which includes porcupines, cavies, agoutis, and chinchillas.
METAPHYSICIANSmetaphysicians n. Plural of metaphysician.
METAPHYSICIAN n. a student of or specialist in metaphysics.
METAPHYSICISTSmetaphysicists n. Plural of metaphysicist.
METAPHYSICIST n. one who practises metaphysics.
METEMPSYCHOSISmetempsychosis n. Transmigration of the soul, especially its reincarnation after death.
METEMPSYCHOSIS n. the passing of the soul at death into another body either human or animal.
MICROPHYSICISTmicrophysicist n. One who studies microphysics.
MICROPHYSICIST n. a physicist who specializes in microphysics.
PNEUMOCYSTISESPNEUMOCYSTIS n. any protozoan of the genus Pneumocystis, esp. P. carinii, which is a cause of pneumonia.
POLYDACTYLISMSpolydactylisms n. Plural of polydactylism.
POLYDACTYLISM n. the state of being polydactyl, having more than the normal number of fingers.
PSYCHOMETRISTSpsychometrists n. Plural of psychometrist.
PSYCHOMETRIST n. one who practises psychometry.
PSYCHOSOMATICSpsychosomatics n. (Medicine) psychosomatic medicine (science).
PSYCHOSOMATICS n. the study of psychosomatic conditions.
PSYCHROMETRIESpsychrometries n. Plural of psychrometry.
PSYCHROMETRY n. measurement by psychrometer.
SIMPLISTICALLYsimplistically adv. In a simplistic way.
simplistically adv. Used to announce or excuse an oversimplified explanation or description. (Compare with in a nutshell.)
SIMPLISTIC adv. tending to oversimplify.
SPECTINOMYCINSspectinomycins n. Plural of spectinomycin.
SPECTINOMYCIN n. a white crystalline broad-spectrum antibiotic produced by a bacterium that is used clinically esp. in the form of its hydrochloride to treat gonorrhea.
SUPERSYMMETRICsupersymmetric adj. (Physics) Pertaining to supersymmetry.
SUPERSYMMETRIC adj. relating to supersymmetry.
SYMPATHOLYTICSsympatholytics n. Plural of sympatholytic.
SYMPATHOLYTIC n. a sympatholytic drug.
YACHTSMANSHIPSyachtsmanships n. Plural of yachtsmanship.
YACHTSMANSHIP n. the art of sailing a yacht.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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