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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing C, 2I, 2L, O, R and S

ALLOCHEIRIASALLOCHEIRIA n. attribution of a sensation to the wrong part of the body, also ALLOCHIRIA.
AORISTICALLYaoristically adv. (Grammar) In the aorist aspect.
AORISTIC adv. pertaining to the aorist verb tense.
CARILLONISTScarillonists n. Plural of carillonist.
CARILLONIST n. one who plays a carillon, also CARILLONNEUR.
CAULIFLORIESCAULIFLORY n. the production of flowers on old stems from dormant buds.
FOLKLORISTICfolkloristic adj. About the traditions and stories of a country or community; Characteristic of folklore.
FOLKLORISTIC adj. relating to folklore.
HISTORICALLYhistorically adv. In a historic manner; with reference to history or the historical record.
historically adv. According to history: formerly, in the past, traditionally.
historically adv. To an unprecedented or extremely rare degree.
KILOCALORIESkilocalories n. Plural of kilocalorie.
KILOCALORIE n. one thousand calories.
LUBRICIOUSLYlubriciously adv. In a lubricious manner.
MICROVILLOUSmicrovillous adj. Relating to microvilli.
MICROVILLOUS adj. of or like a microvillus, a microscopic projection from the surface of a cell wall, also MICROVILLAR.
MILLIMICRONSmillimicrons n. Plural of millimicron.
MILLIMICRON n. a thousandth of a micron.
MILLOCRACIESmillocracies n. Plural of millocracy.
MILLOCRACY n. the body of mill-owners regarded as a dominant or ruling class.
RIDICULOUSLYridiculously adv. In a ridiculous manner. In a way that is funny, embarrassing or extremely implausible.
ridiculously adv. (Degree) extremely; very.
RIDICULOUS adv. arousing or deserving ridicule.
ROCKABILLIESrockabillies n. Plural of rockabilly.
ROCKABILLY n. a form of rock-and-roll music with elements of hillbilly.
SCINTILLATORscintillator n. (Physics) Any substance that glows under the action of photons or other high-energy particles.
SCINTILLATOR n. an instrument for detecting radioactivity; a phosphor that produces scintillations.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 59 words
  • Scrabble in French: 60 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 41 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 87 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 266 words

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