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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing C, 2I, M, 2O, R and T

COMORBIDITYcomorbidity n. (Medicine, uncountable) The presence of one or more disorders (or diseases) in addition to a primary…
comorbidity n. (Medicine, countable) A disease thus coexisting.
comorbidity n. (Medicine, uncountable) The effect of such additional disorders or diseases.
FORMICATIONformication n. (Medicine) An abnormal skin sensation similar to that of insects crawling over or within the skin; a…
FORMICATION n. an abnormal feeling like the sensation of ants crawling on the skin.
GONIOMETRICgoniometric adj. Of, relating to, or determined by a goniometer.
GONIOMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by goniometer.
MACROBIOTICmacrobiotic adj. Of a lifestyle incorporating a dietary regimen including locally grown, seasonal, natural foods, or…
macrobiotic adj. Long-lived.
MACROBIOTIC adj. promoting longevity.
MICROBIOTASmicrobiotas n. Plural of microbiota.
MICROBIOTA n. the smallest soil organisms collectively.
MICROBIOTICmicrobiotic adj. Relating to microbiota.
MICROLOGISTmicrologist n. A scientist working in the field of micrology.
MICROLOGIST n. a practitioner of micrology, the branch of science which depends on the use of a microscope.
MICRONATIONmicronation n. An entity that resembles a nation or a state, but which for the most part exists only on paper, on the…
MICRONATION n. an entity that resembles an independent nation or state but which is unrecognized by world governments or major international organisations.
MICROTOMIESmicrotomies n. Plural of microtomy.
MICROTOMY n. the art of using the microtome.
MICROTOMISTmicrotomist n. One who is skilled in or practises microtomy.
MICROTOMIST n. one who uses a microtome.
MIXOTROPHICmixotrophic adj. Of or pertaining to mixotrophy or mixotrophs.
MIXOTROPHIC adj. combining different modes of nutrition.
MONOTRICHICMONOTRICHIC adj. of bacteria, having a single flagellum, also MONOTRICHOUS.
SOCIOMETRICsociometric adj. Relating to sociometry or to sociometrics.
SOCIOMETRIC adj. relating to sociometry.
TRICHOTOMICtrichotomic adj. (Mathematics) Relating to trichotomy.
TRICHOTOMIC adj. relating to trichotomy, division into three parts or categories.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 42 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 134 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 135 words

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