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There are 15 words containing C, H, N, P, 2R, T and Y

CHRONOTHERAPYchronotherapy n. Any therapy based on the circadian rhythm or other cyclical schedule.
CHRONOTHERAPY n. a treatment that work in harmony with the body's natural time rhythms.
HYDRONEPHROTIChydronephrotic adj. Exhibiting hydronephrosis.
HYDRONEPHROTIC adj. relating to hydronephrosis, distension of the kidney with urine.
HYPERCORRECTIONhypercorrection n. (Linguistics) Nonstandard language use that results from the over-application of a perceived prescriptive rule.
hypercorrection n. (Linguistics) A nonstandard form so used.
HYPERCORRECTION n. a grammatical, usage or pronunciation mistake made by 'correcting' something that's right to begin with.
HYPERENERGETIChyperenergetic adj. Extremely energetic.
HYPERENERGETIC adj. excessively energetic.
HYPEREXCRETIONhyperexcretion n. (Medicine) Excessive excretion.
HYPEREXCRETION n. excessive excretion.
HYPERPRODUCTIONhyperproduction n. Excessive production.
HYPERPRODUCTION n. excessive production.
HYPERROMANTIChyperromantic adj. Extremely romantic.
HYPERROMANTIC n. one who is excessively romantic.
HYPERROMANTICSHYPERROMANTIC n. one who is excessively romantic.
HYPERSECRETIONhypersecretion n. (Endocrinology) Excessive secretion.
HYPERSECRETION n. excessive secretion.
HYPERSECRETIONShypersecretions n. Plural of hypersecretion.
HYPERSECRETION n. excessive secretion.
NEUROPSYCHIATRYneuropsychiatry n. (Medicine) The branch of medicine dealing with disorders that have both neurological and psychiatric features.
NEUROPSYCHIATRY n. a branch of medicine concerned with both neurology and psychiatry.
PARTHENOCARPYparthenocarpy n. (Botany) production of (seedless) fruit without fertilization of ovules.
PARTHENOCARPY n. fruit production without fertilization.
PHYCOERYTHRINphycoerythrin n. (Biochemistry) A red, light-harvesting protein found in cyanobacteria, red algae and cryptomonads.
PHYCOERYTHRIN n. any of the red protein pigments in the cells of red algae.
PHYCOERYTHRINSphycoerythrins n. Plural of phycoerythrin.
PHYCOERYTHRIN n. any of the red protein pigments in the cells of red algae.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 669 words
  • Scrabble in French: 45 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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