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There are 17 words containing C, H, 2I, 2P, T and Y

EPIPHYTICepiphytic adj. (Biology, botany) Of or pertaining to an epiphyte.
epiphytic n. Synonym of epiphyte.
EPIPHYTIC adj. of or like an epiphyte, also EPIPHYTAL, EPIPHYTICAL.
PERIPHYTICperiphytic adj. Relating to periphytons.
PERIPHYTIC adj. relating to a periphyton.
EPIPHYTICALepiphytical adj. Relating to an epiphyte.
EPIPHYTICAL adj. of or like an epiphyte, also EPIPHYTAL, EPIPHYTIC.
EPIPHYTOTICepiphytotic adj. Relating to epiphytosis.
EPIPHYTOTIC n. a sudden outbreak of plant disease over extended geographical area.
PORPHYRITICporphyritic adj. Of or pertaining to porphyry.
porphyritic adj. (Geology) Containing large crystals in a fine mass of material.
PORPHYRITIC adj. designating an igneous rock in which large crystals (phenocrysts) are set in a matrix of relatively finer-grained crystals or of glass.
PSILOPHYTICpsilophytic adj. Relating to psilophytes.
PSILOPHYTIC adj. of or like a psilophyte, a kind of extinct plant.
EPIPHYTOTICSEPIPHYTOTIC n. a sudden outbreak of plant disease over extended geographical area.
EPIPHYTICALLYepiphytically adv. In an epiphytic manner; in the manner of an epiphyte.
EPIPHYTICAL adv. of or like an epiphyte, also EPIPHYTAL, EPIPHYTIC.
LYMPHOPOIETIClymphopoietic adj. Of or pertaining to lymphopoiesis.
LYMPHOPOIETIC adj. relating to lymphopoiesis, the formation of lymphatic tissue or lymphocytes.
PANPSYCHISTICpanpsychistic adj. Relating to panpsychism.
PANPSYCHISTIC adj. relating to panpsychism, the theory that all nature has a psychic side.
PTERIDOPHYTICpteridophytic adj. Of or pertaining to the ferns of the division Pteridophyta.
PTERIDOPHYTIC adj. of or like a pteridophyte, a fern, also PTERIDOPHYTOUS.
HYPERPARASITIChyperparasitic adj. Relating to, or exhibiting, hyperparasitism.
HYPERPARASITIC adj. of or like a hyperparasite.
PETROPHYSICISTpetrophysicist n. One who studies petrophysics.
PETROPHYSICIST n. a student of petrophysics.
PYELONEPHRITICpyelonephritic adj. Relating to pyelonephritis.
PYELONEPHRITIC adj. relating to pyelonephritis, inflammation of both the kidney and its pelvis.
APPROACHABILITYapproachability n. The characteristic of being approachable; the ability to be approached.
APPROACHABILITY n. the state of being approachable.
PETROPHYSICISTSpetrophysicists n. Plural of petrophysicist.
PETROPHYSICIST n. a student of petrophysics.
PSYCHOPHYSICISTpsychophysicist n. One who studies psychophysics.
PSYCHOPHYSICIST n. a student of psychophysics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 398 words
  • Scrabble in French: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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