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There are 17 words containing C, H, 2I, O, P, S and Z

PHONEMICIZESphonemicizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of phonemicize.
PHONEMICIZE v. to analyse into phonemes, also PHONEMICISE.
PHONETICIZESphoneticizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of phoneticize.
PHONETICIZE v. to represent phonetically, also PHONETICISE, PHONETISE, PHONETIZE.
SCHIZOCARPICschizocarpic adj. (Botany) Of or relating to a schizocarp.
SCHIZOCARPIC adj. of or like a schizocarp, a compound fruit splitting into several one-seeded ones.
SCHIZOPHYTICschizophytic adj. Of or relating to schizophytes.
SCHIZOPHYTIC adj. of or like a schizophyte, an obsolete grouping of organisms that multiply only by fission.
PAROCHIALIZESparochializes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of parochialize.
PAROCHIALIZE v. to make parochial, also PAROCHIALISE.
SCHIZOPHRENIAschizophrenia n. (Pathology) A psychiatric diagnosis denoting a persistent, often chronic, mental illness characterised…
schizophrenia n. (Informal, figurative) Any condition in which disparate or mutually exclusive activities coexist; a…
SCHIZOPHRENIA n. a mental disorder with 'splitting' of personality and separation from environment.
SCHIZOPHRENICschizophrenic adj. Of or relating to schizophrenia.
schizophrenic adj. (Of a person) Afflicted with schizophrenia; having difficulty with perception of reality.
schizophrenic adj. (Informal, deprecated) Exhibiting more than one personality; having a wildly changeable personality.
ZINCOGRAPHIESZINCOGRAPHY n. an engraving process in which zinc is covered with wax and etched.
CEPHALIZATIONScephalizations n. Plural of cephalization.
CEPHALIZATION n. the gradually increasing concentration of brain in evolution, also CEPHALISATION.
PIEZOCHEMISTRYpiezochemistry n. (Chemistry) The chemistry of materials at high pressure.
PIEZOCHEMISTRY n. the study of the chemical effects of pressure.
PSYCHOLOGIZINGpsychologizing v. Present participle of psychologize.
psychologizing n. Psychological analysis or interpretation.
PSYCHOLOGIZE v. to speculate in psychological terms or on psychological motivations, also PSYCHOLOGISE.
SCHIZOPHRENIASschizophrenias n. Plural of schizophrenia.
SCHIZOPHRENIA n. a mental disorder with 'splitting' of personality and separation from environment.
SCHIZOPHRENICSschizophrenics n. Plural of schizophrenic.
SCHIZOPHRENIC n. one suffering from schizophrenia.
SYCOPHANTIZINGsycophantizing v. Present participle of sycophantize.
SYCOPHANTIZE v. to be a sycophant, also SYCOPHANTISE.
COMPREHENSIVIZEcomprehensivize v. (UK, education) To adapt the education system to be based on comprehensive schools.
COMPREHENSIVIZE v. to make comprehensive, also COMPREHENSIVISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 164 words
  • Scrabble in French: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 33 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 25 words

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