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There are 11 words containing C, H, 2I, 2M, S and Y

COMMISSARYSHIPcommissaryship n. The position or employment of a commissary.
COMMISSARYSHIP n. the office of commissary.
COMMISSARYSHIPScommissaryships n. Plural of commissaryship.
COMMISSARYSHIP n. the office of commissary.
IMMUNOCHEMISTRYimmunochemistry n. (Chemistry, immunology) The study of the structure of antibody molecules (immunoglobulins) and of their…
IMMUNOCHEMISTRY n. a branch of chemistry that deals with the chemical aspects of immunology.
MICROCHEMISTRYmicrochemistry n. (Chemistry) Chemical techniques for preparing, handling, and analyzing small quantities of chemical…
microchemistry n. (Chemistry) Chemical processes that take place in very small regions, such as on the grain boundaries of a metal.
MICROCHEMISTRY adj. small-scale chemistry.
MYRMECOPHILIESMYRMECOPHILY n. a symbiotic relation with ants.
MYTHICISMmythicism n. (Theology) The scholarly opinion that the gospels are mythological expansions of historical data.
mythicism n. The habitual practice of attributing everything to mythological causes; superstition, the opposite of…
mythicism n. The creative potential for the creation of mythology; the faculty of mythopoeia.
MYTHICISMSmythicisms n. Plural of mythicism.
MYTHICISM n. a theory that explains miraculous stories as myths, also MYTHISM.
PSYCHOSOMIMETICPSYCHOSOMIMETIC adj. of drugs such as LSD and mescaline, capable of inducing psychotic symptoms, also PSYCHOTOMIMETIC.
PSYCHOTOMIMETICpsychotomimetic adj. (Pharmacology) That induces a temporary state of altered perception and symptoms similar to those of…
psychotomimetic n. (Pharmacology) Any psychotomimetic drug, such as LSD.
PSYCHOTOMIMETIC adj. of drugs such as LSD and mescaline, capable of inducing psychotic symptoms, also PSYCHOSOMIMETIC.
SYMPATHOMIMETICsympathomimetic adj. (Medicine) That produces effects similar to those of the sympathetic nervous system.
sympathomimetic n. (Medicine) Any medicine with this effect.
SYMPATHOMIMETIC adj. simulating sympathetic nervous action in physiological effect.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 176 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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