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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing C, H, 2I, N, S, T and U

AUTHENTICATIONSauthentications n. Plural of authentication.
AUTHENTICATION n. the act of authenticating.
ETHNOLINGUISTICethnolinguistic adj. Of or pertaining to ethnolinguistics.
ethnolinguistic adj. (Anthropology) Associated with a particular ethnicity and a particular variety of language.
ETHNOLINGUISTIC adj. pertaining to the study of the relationship between language and cultural behaviour.
EUTROPHICATIONSeutrophications n. Plural of eutrophication.
EUTROPHICATION n. the process of becoming eutrophic.
HUMIDIFICATIONShumidifications n. Plural of humidification.
HUMIDIFICATION n. the act of humidifying.
ICHTHYOSAURIANSichthyosaurians n. Plural of ichthyosaurian.
ICHTHYOSAURIAN n. a large fossil marine reptile, also ICHTHYOSAUR, ICHTHYOSAURUS.
IMMUNOCHEMISTRYimmunochemistry n. (Chemistry, immunology) The study of the structure of antibody molecules (immunoglobulins) and of their…
IMMUNOCHEMISTRY n. a branch of chemistry that deals with the chemical aspects of immunology.
INSTRUCTORSHIPSinstructorships n. Plural of instructorship.
INSTRUCTORSHIP n. the office of instructor.
MICROTECHNIQUESmicrotechniques n. Plural of microtechnique.
MICROTECHNIQUE n. any of various methods of handling and preparing material for microscopic observation and study, also MICROTECHNIC.
NUDIBRANCHIATESNUDIBRANCHIATE n. a member of the Nudibranchiata, sea slugs, also NUDIBRANCH.
PHOTOINDUCTIONSphotoinductions n. Plural of photoinduction.
PHOTOINDUCTION n. induction by the effect of light.
PSYCHOLINGUISTSpsycholinguists n. Plural of psycholinguist.
PSYCHOLINGUIST n. a student of psycholinguistics.
PULCHRITUDINOUSpulchritudinous adj. (Literary) Having great physical beauty.
PULCHRITUDINOUS adj. beautiful, comely.
SCRATCHBUILDINGSCRATCHBUILD v. to build (usually models) from raw materials, as opposed to constructing from kits or buying ready made.
UNCHRISTIANISEDunchristianised v. Simple past tense and past participle of unchristianise.
UNCHRISTIANISE v. to make unchristian, also UNCHRISTIANIZE.
UNCHRISTIANISESunchristianises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unchristianise.
UNCHRISTIANISE v. to make unchristian, also UNCHRISTIANIZE.
UNCHRISTIANIZEDunchristianized v. Simple past tense and past participle of unchristianize.
UNCHRISTIANIZE v. to make unchristian, also UNCHRISTIANISE.
UNCHRISTIANIZESunchristianizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unchristianize.
UNCHRISTIANIZE v. to make unchristian, also UNCHRISTIANISE.
UNCHRISTIANLIKEunchristianlike adj. Not Christian-like.
unchristian-like adj. Alternative spelling of unchristianlike.
un-Christian-like adj. Rare spelling of unchristianlike.
UNSOPHISTICATEDunsophisticated adj. Not sophisticated; lacking sophistication.
UNSOPHISTICATED adj. not sophisticated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 124 words
  • Scrabble in French: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 59 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 38 words

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