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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing C, 2H, I, O, S and 2T

AUTOCHTHONIESautochthonies n. Plural of autochthony.
AUTOCHTHONY n. the state of being aboriginal.
AUTOCHTHONISMautochthonism n. The state of being autochthonal.
AUTOCHTHONISM n. the condition of being autochthonous.
CHRESTOMATHICchrestomathic adj. (Of teaching or learning) That has a practical use.
chrestomathic n. A practical handbook.
CHRESTOMATHIC adj. of or like a chrestomathy, a selection of passages compiled as an aid to learning a language, also CHRESTOMATHICAL.
ETHNOHISTORICethnohistoric adj. Relating to ethnohistory.
ETHNOHISTORIC adj. relating to ethnohistory, also ETHNOHISTORICAL.
HISTOCHEMISTShistochemists n. Plural of histochemist.
HISTOCHEMIST n. one who studies the chemistry of living tissue.
ICHTHYOLOGISTichthyologist n. An expert in ichthyology: one who studies fishes.
ICHTHYOLOGIST n. one who studies ichthyology.
ORTHOSTICHIESorthostichies n. Plural of orthostichy.
ORTHOSTICHY n. a straight row, e.g. of leaves vertically over one another on an axis.
ORTHOSTICHOUSorthostichous adj. (Botany) Having orthostichies.
ORTHOSTICHOUS adj. arranged in vertical rows.
OSTEICHTHYANSosteichthyans n. Plural of osteichthyan.
OSTEICHTHYAN n. a bony fish.
PHOTOCHEMISTSphotochemists n. Plural of photochemist.
PHOTOCHEMIST n. a practitioner of photochemistry.
PHYTOCHEMISTSphytochemists n. Plural of phytochemist.
PHYTOCHEMIST n. a chemist specialising in plant.
PSYCHOPATHISTpsychopathist n. (Medicine, dated) One who studies mental illness.
PSYCHOPATHIST n. a student of psychopathology.
STICHOMYTHIASstichomythias n. Plural of stichomythia.
STICHOMYTHIA n. dialogue in alternate lines, also STICHOMYTHY.
STICHOMYTHIESSTICHOMYTHY n. dialogue in alternate lines, also STICHOMYTHIA.
THERMOCHEMISTthermochemist n. A chemist who works in the field of thermochemistry.
THERMOCHEMIST n. one who studies thermochemistry.
TRICHOPHYTONStrichophytons n. Plural of trichophyton.
TRICHOPHYTON n. any fungus of the genus Trichophyton, causing ringworm.
TROCHELMINTHStrochelminths n. Plural of trochelminth.
TROCHELMINTH n. any invertebrate of the former taxonomic group Trochelminthes, which included the rotifers and gastrotrichs.
WHOLESTITCHESWHOLESTITCH n. weaving stitch that fills in a pattern.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 66 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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