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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing C, H, I, 2O, 2R and S

ARTHROSCOPICarthroscopic adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to arthroscopy.
ARTHROSCOPIC adj. relating to arthroscope.
ARTHROSPORICarthrosporic adj. Relating to arthrospores.
ARTHROSPORIC adj. of or like an arthrospore, also ARTHROSPOROUS.
CHIAROSCUROSchiaroscuros n. Plural of chiaroscuro.
CHIAROSCURO n. (Italian) the quality of being veiled or partly in shadow.
CHIROPTEROUSCHIROPTEROUS adj. relating to the Chiroptera, bats.
CHLORINATORSchlorinators n. Plural of chlorinator.
CHLORINATOR n. a machine for chlorinating.
CHLORPYRIFOSchlorpyrifos n. A crystalline organophosphate insecticide that inhibits acetylcholinesterase.[diethoxy-sulfanylidene-(3,5,6-trichloropy…
COINHERITORScoinheritors n. Plural of coinheritor.
COINHERITOR n. a joint inheritor.
CORONERSHIPScoronerships n. Plural of coronership.
CORONERSHIP n. the office of coroner.
CORPORALSHIPcorporalship n. The rank or office of corporal.
CORPORALSHIP n. the office of corporal.
ORCHESTRIONSorchestrions n. Plural of orchestrion.
ORCHESTRION n. a name given to various keyboard or barrel organ instruments designed to imitate an orchestra, also ORCHESTRINA.
ORTHODROMICSorthodromics n. Orthodromic navigation.
ORTHODROMICS n. the act or art of sailing on a great circle, also ORTHODROMY.
PROCHRONISMSprochronisms n. Plural of prochronism.
PROCHRONISM n. assigning a date to an event earlier than actual.
PROCTORSHIPSproctorships n. Plural of proctorship.
PROCTORSHIP n. the office of proctor.
RHINOCEROSESrhinoceroses n. Plural of rhinoceros.
RHINOCEROS n. a large heavy ungulate mammal of the perissodactyl family Rhinocerotidae, also RHINOCEROT, RHINOCEROTE.
RHINOCEROTESrhinocerotes n. (Now rare) plural of rhinoceros.
rhinocerotes n. (Archaic) plural of rhinocerot.
rhinocerotes n. Plural of rhinocerote.
RHIZOCARPOUSrhizocarpous adj. (Botany) Having perennial rootstocks or bulbs, but annual flowering stems; said of all perennial herbs.
RHIZOCARPOUS adj. of or like a rhizocarp, also RHIZOCARPIC.
SAPROTROPHICsaprotrophic adj. Of or pertaining to saprotrophs (or saprobes).
SAPROTROPHIC adj. of or like a saprotroph.
TRICHLORFONSTRICHLORFON n. a crystalline compound used esp. as an insecticide, also TRICHLORPHON.
TROPOSPHERICtropospheric adj. Of, or relating to, the troposphere.
TROPOSPHERIC adj. relating to the troposphere.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 69 words
  • Scrabble in French: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 39 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 36 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 12 words

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